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Computer Science
University of the Cumberlands
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Blockchain development
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliations

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According to my understanding based on chapter 2, the entire blockchain concept
revolves around particular principles and standards that are utilized. The hyper ledger design
principles are the blockchain’s foundation blocks (Haque et al., 2019). The design principles
include trustworthiness, privacy, security, consistency in-network, and reliance on open
standards. Hyper ledger design principles, once followed, successful communications are
witnessed in an organization. My discussion will major on privacy by design principle;
After reading Chapter 2, I have selected “privacy by design" as my main principle, which
revolves on data protection through technology design. This principle is important to a successful
enterprise blockchain implementation since it safeguards individual and corporate data on the
network platform. Privacy by design principle also assists the blockchains in complying with the
GDPR. However, GDPR is not a threat to the blockchain, as many enterprises believe (Wong &
Mulligan, 2019). The Global Data Processing Regulatory(GDPR) goal is to preserve the user's
information, similar to what blockchain does. We can think of data protection present in data
processing procedures as the most adapted to when integrated with the technology through the
privacy by design definition. However, uncertainty arises, and a query appears, how can we
implement privacy by design principle? Two aspects bring about this uncertainty, incomplete
directive implementation in various member states. The second aspect being data protection
regulation requires responsible personnel to include TOMs processing means during definition
time to meet requirements and basics of privacy design. Implementing privacy by design
involves difficulties and time-consuming aspects. In the implementation process, the person must
make an analysis and deconstruction the entire system in place. Later on, carry out the following

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Running head: BLOCKCHAIN DEVELOPMENT Blockchain development Student’s Name Institutional Affiliations Course Date 1 BLOCKCHAIN DEVELOPMENT 2 Discussion According to my understanding based on chapter 2, the entire blockchain concept revolves around particular principles and standards that are utilized. The hyper ledger design principles are the blockchain’s foundation blocks (Haque et al., 2019). The design principles include trustworthiness, privacy, security, consistency in-network, and reliance on open standards. Hyper ledger design principles, once followed, successful communications are witnessed in an organization. My discussion will major on privacy by design principle; After reading Chapter 2, I have selected “privacy by design" as my main principle, which revolves on data protection through technology design. This principle is important to a successful enterprise blockchain implementation since it safeguards individual and corporate data on the network platform. Privacy by design principle also assists the blockchains in complying with the GDPR. However, GDPR is not a threat to the blockchain, as many enterprises believe (Wong & Mulligan, 2019). The Global Data Processing Regulatory(GDPR) goal is to preserve the user's information, similar to what blockchain does. We can think of data protection present in data processing procedures as the most adapted to when integrated with the technology through the privacy by design definition. However, uncertainty ari ...
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