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business etiquette- microeconomics

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Unit 1 Assignment: Business Etiquette
In every business or work place, etiquette is essential; business etiquette is the knowhow and
observation of the rules of conduct that will maintain good relations with fellow workmates
without offending them. It generally covers what one says, what one does, how one dresses and
what to avoid saying. It involves treating coworkers with utmost respect and courtesy hence
creating a conducive environment for everyone. Business etiquette comprise casual dress
etiquette, cubicle etiquette ,how to finesse awkward and embarrassing situations, handshake
etiquette, guest etiquette, business phone etiquette, office donations(research shows that 75% of
employees receive donation request monthly) and even how your office decorations may affect
your professional image. In my research, I will discuss what entails cubicle etiquette.
Cubicle etiquette
Open office spaces, where very many people work with no doors nor four walls, encourages
team work and creativity. This in turn means working closely with others and sometimes even
too close. But even if there are no four walls and a door mark, you still need to respect you
workmates. There are certain etiquette aspects that you need to take into consideration:
1. Turn down volume. Always mute any sound effects on your computer, set your phone
ringer on a very low tone; if you be able to answer, directly send callers to voicemail.
Minimize the volume of any computer alarms.
2. Keep lunch in the kitchen or if you rely can’t leave your desk for a meal, make sure to
choose foods without a strong odor, avoiding destruction your colleagues and dispose the
trash in the kitchen, not in your own waste basket.
3. Avoid chiming in to conversations you are not involved in. suppose you hear something
over the wall, whether it’s a work issue or a personal question you can answer, ignore
comments that aren’t directed to you.
4. Do not “prairie dog”. Walk around the partition to see a neighbor, instead of popping
your head over the top. Even as walk down the passageways, avoid peeking into others
5. Assume that the work station has “walls”. Do not just barge into a work area simply
because there is no door. Lightly tap the wall on the opening to alert your workmate or
excuse yourself first to announce your arrival. Never walk into a workstation assuming its
ok unless he/she signaling you to go in.
6. Allow fellow coworkers to complete their calls. Do not interrupt when some is on phone,
avoid signaling or using sign language; this causes interruption. Instead of lurking outside
the cubicle, drop a note on their desk and walk out or return later.
7. Move conversations from walkways/hallways. Move the groups you are talking with to
more private areas like a conference room, so as to avoid interrupting co-workers who are
trying to concentrate.
8. Always grant your workmates their private time. Stagger lunch to offer everyone that
private time the need on their desks.
9. Avoid being the noisy coworker who irritates every other workmate.

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Introduction In every business or work place, etiquette is essential; business etiquette is the knowhow and observation of the rules of conduct that will maintain good relations with fellow workmates without offending them. It generally covers what one says, what one does, how one dresses and what to avoid saying. It involves treating coworkers with utmost respect and courtesy hence creating a conducive environment for everyone. Business etiquette comprise casual dress etiquette, cubicle etiquette ,how to finesse awkward and embarrassing situations, handshake etiquette, guest etiquette, bu ...
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