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Reflective Paper As An Educator

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University of Maryland Global Campus
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Issues faced by Educators

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Issues faced by Educators
Educators are important personnel in the society. People expect teachers to impact
knowledge and instill morals in school. As an educator, there are challenges that suppress the
productivity of teachers. I have been practicing for quite some time in this profession and I can
testify that it has its own challenges. One of the puzzling issues I encountered with was based on
student and teacher relationship in class. According to the Mississippi Department of Education
(2016), teachers should lead and give instructions to students and students should reciprocate by
doing according to their instructor. This is contrary to what I experienced. I had issued a
homework assignment which was supposedly to be done by help from the students’ parents. The
question was to explain the evolution of man.
The results were amazing for most students but one student had written that human
beings were created from dust and went to explain the biblical counts. When I asked him where
he got the answers he insisted that he got help from his parents and that his parents cannot be
wrong. The student didn’t want any explanation apart from what we had discussed in class. The
talk in class became noisy as other students laughed at the incident. It pained me to see a student
being influenced by parents on issues related to learning. I realized how much effect of parenting
has caused negativity in the learning process. The student became rude and my dilemma was
whether to throw him out of class or let him continue doing his own things.
The teacher and student relationship in class can be attributed to trust. In this scenario, I
would not blame the student for this mess. The appropriate remedy for such students is to call
parents so that a follow up of the student learning process can be done. Parents also need to be
told their roles and support to their children as they do assignments from home. I employed
diplomacy and got the student back to his learning track. The parents agreed not to influence the

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Running Head: ISSUES FACED BY EDUCATORS Issues faced by Educators Name Institution Date 1 ISSUES FACED BY EDUCATORS 2 Issues faced by Educators Educators are important personnel in the society. People expect teachers to impact knowledge and instill morals in school. As an educator, there are challenges that suppress the productivity of teachers. I have been practicing for quite some time in this profession and I can testify that it has its own challenges. One of the puzzling issues I encountered with was based on student and teacher relationship in class. According to the Mississippi Department of Education (2016), teachers should lead and give instructions to students and students should reciprocate by doing according to their instructor. This is contrary to what I experienced. I had issued a homework assignment which was supposedly to be done by help from the students’ parents. The question was to explain the evolution of man. The results were amazing for most students but one student had written that human beings were created from dust and went to explain the biblical counts. When I asked him where he got the answers he insisted that he got help from his parents and that ...
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