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Unit V Case Study

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Unit V Case study
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Case Study Review: Riser v. QEP Energy, 777 F.3d 1191 (10th Cir. 2015)
The case of Riser v. QEP Energy presents a female employee, Kathy Riser, who sues her
employer after her termination. She filed a lawsuit against her former employer on claims that
her termination was discriminatory. Termination on grounds of discrimination violates the Equal
Pay Act. She sued after the two men who replaced her got classifications for higher pay grade
while her boss had refused her request for higher pay. The organization claimed that the men had
other duties that Ms. Riser did not have.
Legal Issues Presented in this Case
Riser, aged 50, had worked for QEP Energy since 1997 and got a promotion in 2003 to
become an administrative sales representative II. Her job description included managing the
organization’s fleet of vehicles and carry out various managerial duties such as facilities
management. During her time at QEP, she managed construction sites in different states. She
earned $47,382 per annum under the classification of a grade 5 employee. QEP made changes in
May of 2011 and brought the position of fleet administrator. The organization used her job
description to outline the responsibilities in the new position. The organization hired Mr. Chinn
for the new position in June 2011 and had Ms. Riser training him until her termination in
September the same year. The organization also hired Mr. Bryant for the position of the facilities
manager. These two men were classified as grade 7 employees earning $66,000 each (Walsh,
Why is the other-than-sex factor that is presented by the employer insufficient to avoid a
The lawsuit filed by Kathy riser against QEP was for age discrimination, denied a
promotion, and discriminatory discharge. She stated that during her tenure at the organization

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1 Unit V Case study Student Name Institution Course Date UNIT V CASE STUDY 2 Case Study Review: Riser v. QEP Energy, 777 F.3d 1191 (10th Cir. 2015) The case of Riser v. QEP Energy presents a female employee, Kathy Riser, who sues her employer after her termination. She filed a lawsuit against her former employer on claims that her termination was discriminatory. Termination on grounds of discrimination violates the Equal Pay Act. She sued after the two men who replaced her got classifications for higher pay grade while her boss had refused her request for higher pay. The organization claimed that the men had other duties that Ms. Riser did not have. Legal Issues Presented in this Case Riser, aged 50, had worked for QEP Energy since 1997 and got a promotion in 2003 to become an administrative sales representative II. Her job description included managing the organization’s fleet of vehicles and carry out various managerial duties such as facilities management. During her time at QEP, she managed construction sites in different states. She earned $47,382 per annum under the classification of a grade 5 employee. QEP made changes in May of 2011 and brought the position of fleet ...
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