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Capella University
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Running head: TRAINING PLAN 1
Training Plan
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

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Training Plan
Online training modules can be conveyed to employees following various approaches.
The differences in the methods used accrue from the differences in such factors as the type, size,
and information conveyed through the modules. Also, the modules' variance may be facilitated
by the differences in the age, cultural factors, social status, and education levels of the target
learners. This assignment consists of six main sections: module's information, module's fitness
into the design, distance learning strengths and shortfalls, incorporating feedback and practice,
support to employee development, and evaluating the module's effectiveness.
Information conveyed to trainees.
The distance learning module will utilize internet services to convey the module's
information to the target trainees. The information will be availed to the audience using multiple
formats. Studies show that people have varying learning capabilities, and hence, their
performance may be significantly affected by the methods used to facilitate their learning
(Jacobs & Mohammad, 2012). In heed to ensuring fairness during the module delivery, the
employees will learn through PowerPoint presentations, videos, and other interactive training
approaches applicable to the current technological developments.
The specific information to be included in this module will regard the program's learning
objectives' milestones. Firstly, the module will guide the employees on the ways of increasing
their productivity. Secondly, it will show the trainees the ways and importance of adopting
teamwork in workplaces regarding the organizational or overall performance. Finally, it will help
them understand the best ways to facilitate effective communication and time management
within all organizational settings.
How distance learning module fits into the design

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Running head: TRAINING PLAN 1 Training Plan Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date TRAINING PLAN 2 Training Plan Online training modules can be conveyed to employees following various approaches. The differences in the methods used accrue from the differences in such factors as the type, size, and information conveyed through the modules. Also, the modules' variance may be facilitated by the differences in the age, cultural factors, social status, and education levels of the target learners. This assignment consists of six main sections: module's information, module's fitness into the design, distance learning strengths and shortfalls, incorporating feedback and practice, support to employee development, and evaluating the module's effectiveness. Information conveyed to trainees. The distance learning module will utilize internet services to convey the module's information to the target trainees. The information will be availed to the audience using multiple formats. Studies show that people have varying learning capabilities, and hence, their performance may be significantly affected by the methods used to facilitate their learning (Jacobs & Mohammad, 2012). In heed to ensuring fairness during the module delivery, the employees will learn through PowerPoint presentations, videos, and other interactive training approaches applicable to the current technological developments. The specific information to be included in this module will regard the program's learn ...
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