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2021 01 15 Discussion

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I agree with the point that in most of the cases, we do not pay much attention to explaining the
proofs of well-known and/or well-accustomed theorems. In such cases, we ignore to prove what
we are talking about, probably because we assume that every other reader going through our
work has the same knowledge of the concepts as we do.
To quote as an example of the above claim, I would like to add to the point about the proof of
‘x=y’ in Dr. Cheng’s essay. There are multiple ways in which the proof can be obtained, ways
that we have never learned before but are a breeze to understand when written properly with
vivid explanations of explicitly stated steps. This can be clearly seen from thevery different
form’ quoted in the example. From this, I understand that every theorem, corollary, formula,
axiom, etc has to have a proof and also that the basic building blocks of these proofs are the
definitions, laws, identities and properties that have been formed from observing the patterns in
In my opinion, applying Dr. Su’s guidelines while writing the solutions adds quality to the
solutions. As you have pointed out, it takes patience and practice to imbibe these writing skills.

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I agree with the point that in most of the cases, we do not pay much attention to explaining the proofs of well-known and/or well-accustomed theorems. In such cases, we ignore to prove what we are talking about, probably because we assume that every other reader going through our work has the same k ...
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