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Eng 122 importance of analysis 2 5 assignment

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Southern New Hampshire University
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lOMoARcPSD| 7600590
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lOMoARcPSD| 7600590
Jennifer Braxton
Southern New Hamshire University
Ormond Loomis, Ph.D.
January 16, 2022

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lOMoARcPSD| 7600590
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2-5 Assignment: Importance of Analysis
Jonathon Rauch, an introvert himself, shows on his book, "Caring for your introvert: the
habit and needs of a little misundttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttrerstood group",
The context of the article by is to advise his readers on what it is like to be an introvert
and how to better interact with them. The author shares his frustrations of being misunderstood
as an introvert by many people. The article aims to inform non-introverts on the best way of
dealing with introverts in their lives sensitively and supportively. I believe the author's style to be
conversational since he shares the first-person point of view on the subject. However, even
though the author is trying to inform his audience on dealing with introverts sensitively, his tone
is quite aggressive as he makes multiple harsh statements about extroverts throughout the article.
My analysis of the article gave me an understanding of what a true introvert might look
like. Rauch begins with a series of questions to allow the audience to decipher whether they may
have an introvert in their lives. Then, he gives a simple explanation of the differences between
introverts and extroverts and how they interact and perceive each other. Rauch takes no steps to
hide his frustration with the misunderstanding of introversion as he lashes out at extroverts and
the unfair advantages he sees that they have in society. However, at the end of the article, he
does advise that the best way for anyone to show support for an introvert is "don't say anything."
I have always considered myself an introvert, but after analyzing this article, I believe there may
be different levels of introversion that are not discussed as I do not share some of the same traits
as the author.

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lOMoAR cPSD| 7600590 lOMoAR cPSD| 7600590 Jennifer Braxton Southern New Hamshire University ENG-122-Q3132 Ormond Loomis, Ph.D. January 16, 2022 Downloaded by Kay Williams ( lOMoAR cPSD| 7600590 2-5 Assignment: Importance of Analysis Jonathon Rauch, an introvert himself, shows on his book, "Caring for your introvert: the habit and needs of a little misundttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttrerstood group", The context of the article by is to advise his readers on what it is like to be an introvert and how to better interact with them. The author shares his frustrations of being misunderstood as an introvert by many people. The article aims to inform non-introverts on the best way of dealing with introverts in their lives sensitively and supportively. I believe the author's style to be conversational since he shares the first-person point of view on ...
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