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Best Practices For Student Success

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Education & Teaching
Walden University
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Best Practices for Student Success
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Best Practices for Student Success
According to Jan, students' persistence to complete their educational goals is a critical
measure of their success. He believes that certain on-campus factors are critical for post-
secondary success, such as frequent contact with faculty, collaborative learning opportunities,
and coherence in the curriculum. Teaching and classrooms offer the most direct organizational
impacts on post-secondary student success. Coordination and policy integration within the
systems, institutions, departments, and programs facilitate student success (Hearn, 2006). On the
other hand, Antwon advocates for providing student-centered services that address the specific
and diverse needs of each learner. He believes that students' success depends on the ability to
develop a learning-friendly and inclusive environment that educates, nurtures, and welcomes all
the students regardless of their physical, emotional, and intellectual disabilities, among other
characteristics. There are gifted students or those with learning or physical disabilities. Getting
all students to the classroom is only half of the challenge. The other half is the ability to meet
their diverse learning behavioral needs to stay in the classroom.
Antwon's belief implies that he will advocate for an inclusive classroom that ensures each
student meets his diverse educational needs and achieve their long-term academic performance.
He will concentrate more on training individual students by designing a less structured or rigid
class that do not focus on drilling academics and past teaching practices. His primary concern
will be to train the learners on becoming successful in the ever-changing world. Jan's attitude
will impact on his teaching and interaction approach. For instance, he will concentrate on
educational orientations or philosophies that help shape the student's general achievement and
performance. His objective will be to develop retention or enrollment management to promote
academic goals and the students' ability to finish their goals and succeed in the long run. The

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1 Best Practices for Student Success Name: Institutional affiliation Tutor Date: 2 Best Practices for Student Success According to Jan, students' persistence to complete their educational goals is a critical measure of their success. He believes that certain on-campus factors are critical for postsecondary success, such as frequent contact with faculty, collaborative learning opportunities, and coherence in the curriculum. Teaching and classrooms offer the most direct organizational impacts on post-secondary student success. Coordination and policy integration within the systems, institutions, departments, and programs facilitate student success (Hearn, 2006). On the other hand, Antwon advocates for providing student-centered services that address the specific and diverse needs of each learner. He believes that students' success depends on the ability to develop a learning-friendly and inclusive environment that educates, nurtures, and welcomes all the students regardless of their physical, emotional, and intellectual disabilities, among other characteristics. There are gifted students or those with learning or physical disabilities. Getting all students to the classroom is onl ...
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