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Pleasantville 1

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Cultural Studies
Lynn University
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The cause of libido to be released in the people of Pleasantville, is the knowledge that
they are getting from the new residents. The residents of Pleasantville were too much in the
darkness concerning how normal life works that their lives had no color. The libido comes in
after they are enlightened about various issues about life “how did you know about the fire ”
(Ross, 1998)this is one of the residents asking David how he figured out that it was a fire outside
their house. Soon as he explains everything that he knows and tells people that there are other
places outside Pleasantville, libido is released due to curiosity that makes them read more (Ross,
Scripted lives with the same routine every day and no flavor. This is how their lives re
like before libido. They seem to be living lives like robots and every new day is a repeat of the
previous one. Same food, same cloths and same discussions are their way of life. The people
there portray very little knowledge on life and hence live a very boring and flavorless weird life
“they are buying the big tween bed” (Ross, 1998). This shows how husbands and wives still
sleep in different beds in Pleasantville. The women in Pleasantville are obviously not sexually
aware before libido.
Each character has a different energy that drives them and gives them a purpose in life.
For David, it is the show Pleasantville which makes him have a sense that he belongs somewhere
even though people at his school including his sister don’t acknowledge him. He takes the show
as his own happy place and treats it as his second home that he knows all the characters and has
even memorized their words like he is in the script. For his sister Jenifer, her driving force is
popularity and looking cool among her peer, which makes her even smoke cigarettes and want to
date this popular badass boy at their school

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1 Running Head: PLEASANTVILLE Pleasantville Student’s name Institution’s name Date 2 PLEASANTVILLE Pleasantville The cause of libido to be released in the people of Pleasantville, is the knowledge that they are getting from the new residents. The residents of Pleasantville were too much in the darkness concerning how normal life works that their lives had no color. The libido comes in after they are enlightened about various issues about life “how did you know about the fire ” (Ross, 1998)this is one of the residents asking David how he figured out that it was a fire outside their house. Soon as he explains everything that he knows and tells people that there are other places outside Pleasantville, libido is released due to curiosity that makes them read more (Ross, 1998). Scripted lives with the same routine every day and no flavor. This is how their lives re like before libido. They seem to be living lives like robots and every new day is a repeat of the previous one. Same food, same cloths and same discussions are their way of life. The people there portray very little knowledge on life and hence live a very boring and flavorless weird life “they are buying the big tween bed” (Ross, 1998). This shows how husbands and wives still sleep in different beds in Pleasantville. The women in Pleasantville are obviously not sexually aware before libido. Each character has a different energy that drives them and gives them a purpose in life. For David, it is the show ...
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