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Data Analytics

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Data Analytics
Walden University
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Running head: DATA ANALYTICS 1
Data Analytics
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Data Analytics
1. Ways that the data science team at Nutri Mondo could deploy what they have found
in the data
Practical business decisions can be made when data models and visualizations are
correctly integrated within the business's existing models. Based on the obtained models and
visualizations, the data science team at Nutri Mondo could have tried to employ these parameters
on existing data and executing forecasting to see if the models give a particular trend within the
given data. Additionally, the team could use ways like real-time, batch, or one-off criteria.
Since the team knows the criteria they employed in generating the models, they should
limit these models' use within a few firms to get feedback for improvement. The models should
consider different variables that will try to explain variation within the model. Therefore, in these
ways, then it can be said that the team will be able to improve on areas where the model is not
2. If the decision were yours to decide, explain how you would deploy the data.
I would deploy the data within the local firms' samples across the U.S. through this, I will
know how firms perceive the models and whether they have been able to benefit from the models
and visualization. Also, I would focus more on areas where there are people with health-related
problems like obesity and try to find out if the models can help improve the diet for these people.
Finally, the health care sector could be a more viable area to deploy these models. Making well-
informed decisions within the medical field requires credible information that can be relied on.
The model can be used within the laboratory tests and get feedback for further improvement of
the models.

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Running head: DATA ANALYTICS 1 Data Analytics Students Name Institutions Affiliation DATA ANALYTICS 2 Data Analytics 1. Ways that the data science team at Nutri Mondo could deploy what they have found in the data Practical business decisions can be made when data models and visualizations are correctly integrated within the business's existing models. Based on the obtained models and visualizations, the data science team at Nutri Mondo could have tried to employ these parameters on existing data and executing forecasting to see if the models give a particular trend within the given data. Additionally, the team could use ways like real-time, batch, or one-off criteria. Since the team knows the criteria they employed in generating the models, they should limit these models' use within a few firms to get feedback for improvement. The models should consider different variables that wil ...
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