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Alien Sightings

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Inference to The Best Explanation
There have been many reports of mysterious bright objects in the sky,
spacecrafts, and brushes with aliens; all these accounts point to the high levels of
fascination with UFOs. However, many scientists, especially psychological scientists,
are not taken with this phenomenon and think that there are more grounded
knowledge-based explanations to the UFO sightings. The belief in aliens saw a
significant spike in the 1940s and 1950s, partly because of establishing the classified
US military project at Roswell Air Force Base, New Mexico, in the 1950s (Eghigiann
612). There were rumors that the US military had captured aliens and some of the fallen
UFOs and kept them in this secret military base. A survey conducted in 2015 estimated
that the number of people who believed in aliens was as high as 50%, with a meaningful
number of masses believing that they had experience and abduction by aliens
Pro Argument
There is enormous evidence that has been gathered to both support and dispute
alien existence and visitations. The majorly got support because so many people claim
to have seen UFOs, and as many as 3.7 million people in America claim that aliens had
abducted them (Eghigian 612). A second premise is that their testimony is accurate as
high-ranking military officials have confirmed that the military has encountered the
aliens. Some studies have also been conducted that have attempted to prove alien
existence and have done an excellent job. There have also been several recovered

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objects that seem to baffle scientists, and the only other agreed-upon explanation to
most UFO believers is that the objects may have come from outer space and that they
are alien technology. An example is a mysterious sphere found by a small farming
couple in Texas.
The first famous UFO observation happened in 1947 by Kenneth Arnold, a
businessman who claimed to have seen nine physical objects that moved at a speed of
about multiple thousand miles/hour. He said their motion resembled saucers skipping
in water. In the same year, rancher W.W Brazel happened to come across an
inexplicable 200-yard-long metal near the New Mexico army facility (Eghigian 612).
New Mexico papers reported a missing part of a flying saucer, to which the government
denied saying it was just a weather balloon. The UFO sightings increased in such an
unusual way that the military launched investigations into them in 1948 through a
project dubbed Project Sign; researchers speculated that the flying saucers were
nothing more than advanced Russian aircraft. However, some scientists hinted that they
might very well be spacecraft from other cosmos, in other words, alien hypothesis
(ETH). this near admission by government scientists fanned UFO sightings' flames and
a government conspiracy to hide alien existence. The conclusion, therefore, is that
aliens exist and that they visit earth from time to time (Drinkwater et al 1693).
Con Argument
Americans' obsession with UFOs and the rising number of sightings led many
scientific probes into the matter. Many scientists believed that most of these sightings
could quickly get scientific explanations and even logically. The Robertson Panel and
the Condon Report are among the most infamous cases against alien existence and
disapproving of UFO sightings. The CIA prompted the US government to set up a panel
of scientists to investigate the case, led by DR. Robertson. A panel consisting of many

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Surname 1 Student name: Course: College: Tutor: Date: Inference to The Best Explanation There have been many reports of mysterious bright objects in the sky, spacecrafts, and brushes with aliens; all these accounts point to the high levels of fascination with UFOs. However, many scientists, especially psychological scientists, are not taken with this phenomenon and think that there are more grounded knowledge-based explanations to the UFO sightings. The belief in aliens saw a significant spike in the 1940s and 1950s, partly because of establishing the classified US military project at Roswell Air Force Base, New Mexico, in the 1950s (Eghigiann 612). There were rumors that the US military had captured aliens and some of the fallen UFOs and kept them in this secret military base. A survey conducted in 2015 estimated that the number of people who believed in aliens was as high as 50%, with a meaningful number of masses believing that they had experience and abduction by aliens Pro Argument There is enormous evidence that has been gathered to both support and dispute alien existence and visitations. The majorly got support because so many people claim to have seen UFOs, and as many as 3.7 million people in America claim that aliens had abducted them (Eghigian 612). A second premise is that their testimony is accurate as high-ranking military officials have confirmed that the military has encountered the aliens. Some studies have also been conducted that have attempted to prove al ...
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