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Effective Persuasive Communication

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Purdue Global University
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Effective Persuasive Communication
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Instructor’s Name
Course Name and Number
Assignment Due Date

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Effective Persuasive Communication
The goal of persuasive communication is aimed at changing or reinforcing some response
from others (Kernbach et al., 2015). A social media post is an example of persuasive
communication in a personal context. In any case a parent writes a social media post on
Facebook or any social media platform emphasizing the importance of sidewalks for kids’ safety,
this falls under personal persuasive communication. The target audience is the school
stakeholders (management) who are informed via a social media post. Social media is a wide
platform that would influence parents to join the movement since it is the right avenue for
highlighting the problem, the dangers of not putting up sidewalks and necessary interventions the
school management may resort to so as to address the scenario.
According to Pearson (2017), composing an email to organizational senior personnel
highlighting a workplace issue is an example of persuasive communication is a professional
context. For example, an employee can write an email to the senior human resource management
highlighting defective workplace diversity management. A composed email must use a
professional language, mention the subject and give a comprehensive explanation of the issue
that will help the target recipient take the necessary step such as finding a long lasting solution.
In this case, an email should state substantive reasons as why effective management of
workplace diversity plays a vital role in enabling an organization attain a unique competitive
advantage in the respective industry.
An essay about a night patrol in a community is an example of a persuasive
communication in academic context. The essay targets community members and must have
detailed information about the issue at hand. For example, the essay should talk about the need
for a community night patrol and the benefits associated with such a program. The use of clear

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1 Effective Persuasive Communication Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Instructor’s Name Course Name and Number Assignment Due Date 2 Effective Persuasive Communication The goal of persuasive communication is aimed at changing or reinforcing some response from others (Kernbach et al., 2015). A social media post is an example of persuasive communication in a personal context. In any case a parent writes a social media post on Facebook or any social media platform emphasizing the importance of sidewalks for kids’ safety, this falls under personal persuasive communication. The target audience is the school stakeholders (management) who are informed via a social media post. Social media is a wide platform that would influence parents to join the movement since it is the right avenue for highlighting the problem, the dangers of not putting up sidewalks and necessary interventions the school management may resort to so as to address the scenario. According to Pearson (2017), composing an email to organizational senior personnel highlighting a workplace issue is an example of persuasive communication is a professional context. For example, an employee can write an email t ...
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