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Revised Multi 31noanswers

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Rasmussen University
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1. A 40-year-old woman has high vaginal bleeding. Which question is the priority in evaluating
the client’s chief complaints?
a. “Is the bleeding related to the menstrual cycle or intercourse”
b. Are you having any sensations of pain or cramps
c. “Are you sexually active and do you use oral contraceptives?
d. Are you feeling weak, dizzy or lightheaded?
2. A nurse is caring for a 50-year-old male patient presently diagnosed with erectile dysfunction
(ED). Which of the following is a possible cause of ED?
a. Hypertension week 2
b. Sexually transmitted diseases
c. Opioid overuse
d. Caffeine consumption
3. Which of the following interventions would meet the multidimensional needs of a 45-year-
old male who was recently diagnosed with testicular cancer (Select all that apply)?
a. Consult the dietician for cultural dietary needs
b. Conduct a cultural assessment
c. Provide a psychosocial assessment
d. Provide emotional and spiritual support
e. Offer client family-centered care
4. A nurse is providing education at a health fair regarding breast cancer. Which of the following
informational brochures would be more beneficial to distribute to the participants?
a. Self-breast examination
b. Diet modification
c. Stress reductions
d. Exercise regimen

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5. The nurse knows to include which of the following when teaching a client about the common
cause of pyelonephritis?
a. Urinary retention and ascending infection of the urinary tract
b. Delayed voiding
c. Renal calculi
d. Previous UTI
6. A nurse is caring for a 32-year-old female with a history of breast cancer. Which of the
following should be included in the client education?
a. Annual mammography
b. Clinical breast examination every 2 years x
c. Herbal supplements x
d. Preventive screening to begin at the age of 45
7. A client is emotionally upset after the diagnosis of endometrial cancer. What action by the
nurse is best?
a. Leave the client alone for an extended period for reflection time
b. Create an atmosphere that supports acceptance and discussion
c. Tell the client that her emotional response is unacceptable
d. Limit visits from family and friends
8. A nurse is providing education to a female client regarding cystitis. Which of the following
should the nurse include in the client education?
a. Avoid the use of feminine sprays
b. Increase frequency of douching x
c. Utilize a diaphragm for birth control
d. Wipe perineum from back to frontx
9. The nurse is teaching a group of women about the prevention of toxic shock syndrome. What
preventive measure does the nurse include in the teaching? (Select all that apply)
a. ‘Avoid the use of high absorbency tampons”

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MULTI 3 EXAM 1 1. A 40-year-old woman has high vaginal bleeding. Which question is the priority in evaluating the client’s chief complaints? a. “Is the bleeding related to the menstrual cycle or intercourse” b. “Are you having any sensations of pain or cramps” c. “Are you sexually active and do you use oral contraceptives?” d. “Are you feeling weak, dizzy or lightheaded?” 2. A nurse is caring for a 50-year-old male patient presently diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (ED). Which of the following is a possible cause of ED? a. Hypertension week 2 b. Sexually transmitted diseases c. Opioid overuse d. Caffeine consumption 3. Which of the following interventions would meet the multidimensional needs of a 45-yearold male who was recently diagnosed with testicular cancer (Select all that apply)? a. Consult the dietician for cultural dietary needs b. Conduct a cultural assessment c. Provide a psychosocial assessment d. Provide emotional and spiritual support e. Offer client family-centered care 4. A nurse is providing education at a health fair regarding breast cancer. Which of the following informational brochures would be more beneficial to distribute to the participants? a. Self-breast examination b. Diet modification c. Stress reductions d. Exercise regimen 5. The nurse knows to include which of the following when teaching a client about the common cause of pyelonephritis? a. Urinary retention and ascending infection of the urinary tract b. Delayed voidin ...
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