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Simulation Guide

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university of maryland
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Scenario File: Eating Disorder
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This scenario was created using the scenario template downloaded from with permission from the NLN and Laerdal Medical.
Scenario File: Eating Disorder
Discipline: Psych MH Student Level: interm./advanced
Expected Simulation Run Time: 10 min. Guided Reflection Time: 20 min.
Admission Date: Today’s Date:
Brief Description:
Name: Joyce Gender: Female
Age: 27 Race: Asian American
Weight: 130 lbs Height: 5’.5” cm
Religion: Buddhist Major Support:
Boyfriend of 3 years-Austin Phone:
Allergies: cephalosporins
Immunizations: Up to date
Attending Physician/Team: :Nurse/nurse
Past Medical History:
J is a 27 year old IT professional with
fulltime job. She lives alone in a condo in
downtown Silver Spring which she
purchased 1 year ago. J started
disordered eating in high school, at first to
control her weight, and then the behavior
became a form of coping with stress
especially with academic and
interpersonal concerns. She sought
therapy for bulimia while in college, and
was helped by short-term cognitive
behavior therapy. She did not engage in
binging and purging for over 2 years after
college, but in the past year as
occupational and relationship stress
increased, she relapsed into the binging
and purging several times a month.
History of Present illness:
Boyfriend found her passed out in
bathroom of her apartment; toilet bowl
was splattered with blood stained vomit.
He called 911 when J appeared
Psychomotor Skills Required Prior to
Observation of patients body
language, facial expressions,
synchrony between verbal and non
verbal behavior.
Cognitive Activities Required Prior
to Simulation [i.e. independent reading
(R), video review (V), computer
simulations (CS), lecture (L)]
Nursing Diagnosis:
Collaborative Problems:

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Scenario File: Eating Disorder
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This scenario was created using the scenario template downloaded from with permission from the NLN and Laerdal Medical.
disoriented and continued to heave and
complain of upper GI distress.
Joyce reports symptoms as follows:
Intense feelings of anxiety over work
Leaves work at lunchtime (her
condo is about 3 blocks from her
office) to binge/purge.
Frequent work absences/tardiness.
Cancels plans with boyfriend and
friends due to fatigue and fear she
will have urge to binge and will not
be able to get away.
Poor concentration, negative
ruminations, cognitive distortions
Frequent episodes of gastric reflux
at night and 2-3 hours after a
binge/purge episode.
Severe ulcers of mouth and gums
Vegetative symptoms: changes in
sleeping, eating problems increase
with more frequent bulimic
episodes-having trouble consuming
food that must be chewed
thoroughly before swallowing, e.g.
breads, vegetables, fruits, meats,
Social History:
J is a college graduate with a MS degree
in computer science from University of
J has several girlfriends she has met since
graduate school and working. She
socializes with these friends 2-3 times/
month. She is an avid runner, and is in
training for the Marine Corps Marathon in
At work J was named project manager for
a new account. She must shuttle between
Boston and DC at least once monthly. She
may be away from home for 7-10 days
working on the project. It is a good
assignment which will likely improve her

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Scenario File: Eating Disorder Discipline: Psych MH Student Level: interm./advanced Expected Simulation Run Time: 10 min. Guided Reflection Time: 20 min. Admission Date: Today’s Date: Psychomotor Skills Required Prior to Simulation Brief Description: Observation of patients body Name: Joyce Gender: Female language, facial expressions, Age: 27 Race: Asian American synchrony between verbal and non Weight: 130 lbs Height: 5’.5” cm verbal behavior. Religion: Buddhist Major Support: Boyfriend of 3 years-Austin Phone: Allergies: cephalosporins Immunizations: Up to date Cognitive Activities Required Prior to Simulation [i.e. independent reading (R), video review (V), computer simulations (CS), lecture (L)] Attending Physician/Team: :Nurse/nurse practitioner: Past Medical History: J is a 27 year old IT professional with fulltime job. She lives alone in a condo in downtown Silver Spring which she purchased 1 year ago. J started disordered eating in high school, at first to control her weight, and then the behavior became a form of coping with stress especially with academic and interpersonal concerns. She sought therapy for bulimia while in college, and was helped by short-term cognitive behavior therapy. She did not engage in binging and purging for over 2 years after college, but in the past year as occupational and relationship stress increased, she relapsed into the binging and purging several times a month. History of Present illness: Boyfriend found her passed out in b ...
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