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Faisalabad medical university
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Being an assistant in medical practice, I perceive that the patient is bleeding and his
clinical signs suggest that he is likely to go in a state of hypovolemic shock. It is an emergency
condition resulting from the loss of blood leading to a decrease in the circulating body fluids and
hypo-perfusion of vital organs. I would get the patient shifted to the emergency room and start
resuscitation as soon as possible. At the same time, I would call the nurses and the emergency
To begin with the resuscitation, I would first apply direct pressure to the affected area to
stop the bleeding from the site of injury. Also, I would get the monitor attached to check blood
pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation. If there is a fall in the blood
pressure, I would start IV fluid resuscitation to correct the fluid-electrolyte imbalance. This
would prevent the patient from entering into a state of hypovolemic shock. Also, I would raise
the affected area, a few inches above the level of the heart, if possible. This would help to
increase blood circulation through gravity. To prevent body heat loss, I would try to get the
patient covered in a blanket, if possible. As the patient is in pain, I would administer analgesics
to decrease the pain resulting from the injury.
Once the initial resuscitation is done and I see an improvement in the patient’s vitals, I
would get the blood samples for complete blood count (CBC) and also for blood grouping and
cross-matching (Giordano et al.). This is done to check the hemoglobin levels and if the levels

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are low, I would immediately arrange for a blood transfusion. During the resuscitation process, I
would not hesitate to take advice from the doctor and senior staff wherever I need to.

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Last Name 1 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Number Date Discussion Board Being an assistant in medical practice, I perceive that the patient is bleeding and his clinical signs suggest that he is likely to go in a state of hypovolemic shock. It is an emergency condition resulting from the loss of blood leading to a decrease in the circulating body fluids and hypo-perfusion of vital organs. I would get the patient shifted to the emergency room and start resuscitation as soon as possible. At the same time, I would call the nurses and the emergency doctor. To begin with the resuscitation, I would first apply direct pressure to the affected area to stop the bleeding from the site of injury. Also, I would get the monitor attached to check blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation. If there is a fall in the blood pressure, I would start IV fluid resuscitatio ...
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