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College of the Canyons
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The world has witnessed numerous eras of evolution in different societal aspects such as
economic, political and environmental. However, as time progressed so did technologies. With
that being said, in a world where social media platforms are considered to be reliable, many
times we find ourselves entangled in a web of lies and it can be hard to differentiate between
what is real and what isn’t. It is important to mention that with the surge of these social media
platforms, news travel faster and exceed the premises of a nation and somehow finds itself
diffused in every corner of the world, depending on how serious, and sometimes how vain, the
news is. Consequently, people who have been appointed as some kind of influencer or leader
have acquired fame that has been plagued and tainted because of these social media platforms
that does not distinguish between the status of people and delivers the news at all costs. This
sometimes can create a conflict and confusion with people who are not subjected to these
scandals: groups that are behind such spread usually tend to not fact check their information in
order to sell more and drive more traffic to their website, blog and even TV channels. Hence, the
truth that we are promised can sometimes be hidden in the shadows of what people want to hear
to hold it against the ones they feel inferior to. This creates the concept of fake news that stirs the
pot in local communities, nationwide and even on an international scale. This was heavily
emphasized during the trial and death of Jeffrey Epstein who was a convicted sex offender
infamous for his illegal sexual activities mainly with minors and was brought to light and proven
in the era of the “Me Too” movement. Fake news tend to overshadow the scale of the truth. In
this essay I am going to discuss how the media covered the trial of Jeffrey Epstein and how
information and allegations were not portrayed truthfully thus implicating people that were never
involved in his case such as the NYC coroner being accused of bribe for declaring him dead.

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When it comes to sexual misconducts, the news and reports that come out of allegation
storm many platforms which creates a gateway into butchering the truth. In the case of Jeffrey
Epstein, he liked to live an incognito life, away from the press and the public eye, though
connected to the most powerful people in the world (town and country, 2020). During the surge
of the “Me Too” movement, particularly women were encouraged to speak up of any wrongful
doing that was made against her in the show business industry, thus influencing many women
outside of the industry to come forward with their stories. In the case of Jeffrey Epstein, many
victims were trying to do so but lead nowhere due to the power he had, but also because women
were generally not believed and allegations of the sort were not taking as seriously as they are
now. This obviously led Jeffrey and his wife Guislaine Maxwell, who continues to deny these
allegations, to feel invincible and continue to commit these awful crimes to underage girls. When
the news first broke, the tabloids had a party making assumptions about both Epstein and the
victims of the abuse. With that being said, many fake news were presented about both parties
involved which undoubtedly created confusion and bias in people’s minds: on one hand you have
a sexist party who probably thought the girls provoked him to illicit such acts or thought these
girls were looking for fame on the demise of Epstein, and on the other hand there was the
victimized party that was trying to get their voices heard and the truth out to avoid other girls
being exposed to such crimes. In 2008, Epstein pleaded guilty to solicitation of prostitution
involving a minor (town and country, 2020) but the news did not have a heavy impact due to the
lack of awareness and the under development of other instant spreading social media platforms.
However, after Jeffrey was admitted to jail in august 2019 facing his trial, he was found dead in
his cell. This sparked rumors of conspiracies, which some may argue are the greatest driver of

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The world has witnessed numerous eras of evolution in different societal aspects such as economic, political and environmental. However, as time progressed so did technologies. With that being said, in a world where social media platforms are considered to be reliable, many times we find ourselves entangled in a web of lies and it can be hard to differentiate between what is real and what isn’t. It is important to mention that with the surge of these social media platforms, news travel faster and exceed the premises of a nation and somehow finds itself diffused in every corner of the world, depending on how serious, and sometimes how vain, the news is. Consequently, people who have been appointed as some kind of influencer or leader have acquired fame that has been plagued and tainted because of these social media platforms that does not distinguish between the status of people and delivers the news at all costs. This sometimes can create a conflict and confusion with people who are not subjected to these scandals: groups that are behind such spread usually tend to not fact check their information in order to sell more and drive more traffic to their website, blog and even TV channels. Hence, the truth that we are promised can sometimes be hidden in the shadows of what people want to hear to hold it against the ones they feel inferior to. This creates the concept of fake news that stirs the pot in local communities, nationwide and even on an international scale. This was he ...
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Very useful material for studying!
