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Contexts Project
Challenges of deforestation to sustainable development
As the world continues to industrialize, many natural resources and conditions have
shown significant degeneration signs, of which forest resource has been an alarming one.
Deforestation can mean many to both the local and global environments, as forests can be
essential resources to purify natural environments. In this sense, deforestation in the largest
tropical forest, the Amazon forest, can affect local and global environmental sustainability
(National Geographic Society 1). In this sense, I believe deforestation at Amazon shows an
alarming trend across the globe that can significantly affect ecological sustainability. The project
will primarily use the literature review method to yield qualitative and quantitative conclusions
on the research topic, showing why people should pay attention to deforestation issues.
Therefore, the detriments caused by deforestations to the Brazilian and global environment
deserve to be studied to protect environmental sustainability.
Deforestation affects the sustainability of the environment and sustainable development
since it causes the crumbling and degeneration of forests. Deforestation in the Amazon forest
threatens many aspects of the ecosystems in the world. The cutting of trees in the Amazon forest

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has lead to significant challenges to animal habitats. Cutting of plants without adequate
reforestation results in low land productivity; deforestation in the Amazon forest involves a
challenge to sustainable development since most of the land has been turned into low
productivity. Inappropriate cutting of trees had an adverse implication on the ecosystem since it
interferes with nature's components. Deforestation leads to loss of biodiversity since it involves
weak and unsustainable practices that result in forest ruin (Werth 3). Inappropriate tree cutting
has ruined a significant part of the Amazon forest, making it unable to support sustainable
economic development. Cutting trees without replacement reduces actual growth and
employment opportunities, including better revenue distribution for residents or benefits to
Inappropriate cutting of plants makes it challenging for land to support development that
can meet the present population's needs without jeopardizing land’s ability to meet future needs.
Deforestation brings the challenge of global warming due to the accumulation of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere (Werth 2). Global warming implies a rise in the global mean temperature
due to a lack of trees, which act as the terrestrial sink for greenhouse gases. When Global
warming occurs, it results in health-related challenges like heart stroke. Therefore, deforestation
deprives the land of its ability to support the current population's needs while retaining its ability
to meet future needs. Currently, almost half of the Brazilian Amazon population experiences
challenges since they live below the poverty line. Inappropriate cutting of trees implies a land-
use practice that yields short term economic and social benefits, and hence it cannot support
sustainable development.
The individuals living in the Amazon forest face a significant challenge of supporting
sustainable development with the rise in demand for soybean and biofuels' cultivation; the

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Surname 1 Name of Student Name of Instructor Name of Course Name of Institution Date Contexts Project Challenges of deforestation to sustainable development As the world continues to industrialize, many natural resources and conditions have shown significant degeneration signs, of which forest resource has been an alarming one. Deforestation can mean many to both the local and global environments, as forests can be essential resources to purify natural environments. In this sense, deforestation in the largest tropical forest, the Amazon forest, can affect local and global environmental sustainability (National Geographic Society 1). In this sense, I believe deforestation at Amazon shows an alarming trend across the globe that can significantly affect ecological sustainability. The project will primarily use the literature review method to yield qualitative and quantitative conclusions on the research topic, showing why people should pay attention to deforestation issues. Therefore, the detriments caused by deforestations to the Brazilian and global environment deserve to be studied to protect environmental sustainability. Deforestation affects the sustainability of the environment and sustainable development since it causes the crumbling and degeneration of forests. Deforestation in the Amazon forest threatens many aspects of the ecosystems in the world. The cutting of trees in the Amazon forest Surname 2 has lead to significant challenges to animal habitats. Cutting of pla ...
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Very useful material for studying!


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