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Nursing Case Study 2

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Women's Studies
University of Maryland Baltimore
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Case Study 2
Typically, menopause is a stage in a woman's life marked by the end of fertility and
menstruation. The stage occurs when a woman hits 45 to 55 years of age, and the symptoms
begin to appear some years back before menopause. Perimenopause and postmenopause are the
two stages of menopause. Perimenopause is characterized by an irregular menstrual cycle, which
is accompanied by night sweats and hot flushes. On the contrary, postmenopause is characterized
by low oestrogen levels, no egg production hence no menstruation (Biglia et al., 2021). Some
common symptoms and signs include sleep disturbance, increased abdominal fat, vaginal
dryness, irregular periods, mood swings, and thinning of bones and hairs.
The forty-six-year-old woman presents symptoms such as night sweats, genitourinary
symptoms, and hot flushing from the case study given for this assessment. Given her sex and
age, and the fact that about ninety-five percent of women enter the menopause phase between
forty-five and fifty-five years of age, her symptoms reflects that she is indeed at the menopause
stage. Consequently, night sweats and hot flushes are the vasomotor symptoms of menopause. In
that regard, the vasomotor symptoms are common when women transition into menopause and
mainly affect almost eighty percent of women. Moreover, the patient presents genitourinary
symptoms, a clear indication of urinary symptoms and vaginal dryness. In addition to that, as the
oestrogen levels go down, the vaginal epithelial usually under degeneration transitions resulting
in urinary frequency, urinary tract infections, vaginal infections, and urge incontinence.
As a result, 46-year-old women would like to relieve such symptoms since they interfere
with day-to-day activities. Recommended therapy is to seek hormone therapy when such
symptoms come up. The hormone therapy not only relief the vasomotor and genitourinary
symptoms but is also accompanied by other benefits (Erbil, 2018). Given that the patient has a

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NURSING 1 Nursing Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: NURSING 2 Case Study 2 Typically, menopause is a stage in a woman's life marked by the end of fertility and menstruation. The stage occurs when a woman hits 45 to 55 years of age, and the symptoms begin to appear some years back before menopause. Perimenopause and postmenopause are the two stages of menopause. Perimenopause is characterized by an irregular menstrual cycle, which is accompanied by night sweats and hot flushes. On the contrary, postmenopause is characterized by low oestrogen levels, no egg production hence no menstruation (Biglia et al., 2021). Some common symptoms and signs include sleep disturbance, increased abdominal fat, vaginal dryness, irregular periods, mood swings, and thinning of bones and hairs. The forty-six-year-old woman presents symptoms such as night sweats, genitourinary symptoms, and hot flushing from the case study given for this assessment. Given her sex and age, and the fact that about ninety-five percent of women enter the menopause phase between forty-five and fifty-five years of age, her symptoms reflects that she is indeed at the menopause stage. Consequently, night sweats a ...
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