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Rseacoast Science Center Sailing The Scholars

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Seacoast Science Center: Sailing the Scholars Case Analysis
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Seacoast Science Center: Sailing the Scholars Case Analysis
Question 1: Current Mission and a Review of Objectives and Strategies
The firm’s apparent mission is to assist visitors to learn about the history of the seven
habitats in the park. The firm was also determined to assist the visitors to learn how they can
interact with seven habitats that existed in the past. Compared to the initial focus of the firm, the
Seacoast Science Center (SSC) current mission is to expand and include both regional and global
issues that relate to the sea. To achieve this mission, the firm has developed exhibitions that are
aimed at interpreting four themes for its customers. These include the changes happening to the
sea and the sky, the Maine Gulf, the Coastal Connection of the New Hampshire, and how to work
under the sea. Specifically, the seven habitats comprised of the Wood-Lands, Sandy Beach, Gulf
of Maine, Salt Pond, Salt March, Fresh Water, and Rocky Shore. What helps SSC is that it has the
necessary facility and personnel that can offer the visitors a true connection to and interaction with
The company also has objectives that facilitate the achievement of its mission. The first
objective is to improve the financial situation of the firm without interfering with the experience
of the visitors. Another objective of the firm is to introduce exhibits and programs aimed at making
the visitors learn and appreciate the interaction between humans and nature.
Besides the objectives, the company also has current strategies to ensure that it achieves its
mission. The firm has launched the learning studio program. This together with other educational
programs cut across all ages of the visitors. Another strategy is to increase the fees associated with
admission and cut off other expenses considered non-essential.
Question 2: The Current Financial Condition of SSC

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1 Seacoast Science Center: Sailing the Scholars Case Analysis Student Name Institution Course Name Instructor Name Date 2 Seacoast Science Center: Sailing the Scholars Case Analysis Question 1: Current Mission and a Review of Objectives and Strategies The firm’s apparent mission is to assist visitors to learn about the history of the seven habitats in the park. The firm was also determined to assist the visitors to learn how they can interact with seven habitats that existed in the past. Compared to the initial focus of the firm, the Seacoast Science Center (SSC) current mission is to expand and include both regional and global issues that relate to the sea. To achieve this mission, the firm has developed exhibitions that are aimed at interpreting four themes for its customers. These include the changes happening to the sea and the sky, the Maine Gulf, the Coastal Connection of the New Hampshire, and how to work under the sea. Specifically, the seven habitats comprised of the Wood-Lands, Sandy Beach, Gulf of Maine, Salt Pond, Salt March, Fresh Water, and Rocky Shore. What helps SSC is that it has the necessary facility and personnel that can offer the visitors a true connection to and interaction with nature. The company also has objectives that facilitate the achievement of its mission. The first objective is to improve the financial situation of the firm without interfering with the experience of the visitors. Another objective of the firm is to introduce exhibits and ...
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