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Advertising Communications

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Advertising Communication
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Target Market
The adverts target people from young adults to adults. This population creates the biggest
market that needs bicycles and can afford to buy a bicycle. This is a working population and is at
risk of getting health complications when they do not exercise. This population is always at work
and may have no time for exercise. Therefore, a bicycle may solve that problem. The market
target buys their own and bikes for their teens. The variables used in the advertisement are age
and gender.
Persuasive techniques
The adverts' persuasive techniques are emotional appeal to the target market since it will
persuade the target market to buy products from them. The advert also uses logical appeal by
providing a logical explanation of why one should have a bicycle.
Other adverts can use reciprocity percussion techniques to persuade the market to buy
from them. Other adverts can tell the hard truth to the potential buyers, thus persuading them to
buy. Showing prove to the potential buyers also persuades them to buy the product. The appeal's
intended outcomes are to inform and increase sales and make a customer buy more bicycles.
The delivery method of the advert is social media. The social media platform will help to
reach out to as many people as possible in the country and outside the country where the client
can serve. The target population is the most common people using social media today. Therefore,
social media is the best platform to reach out to as many potential customers as possible.
Advertising through social media guarantees reaches the target group since most of them use
social media platforms (Egan, 2020). The channel and message align since it contains visuals

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Running head: ADVERTISING COMMUNICATION 1 Advertising Communication Institution Affiliation: Date: ADVERTISING COMMUNICATION 2 Target Market The adverts target people from young adults to adults. This population creates the biggest market that needs bicycles and can afford to buy a bicycle. This is a working population and is at risk of getting health complications when they do not exercise. This population is always at work and may have no time for exercise. Therefore, a bicycle may solve that problem. The market target buys their own and bikes for their teens. The variables used in the advertisement are age and gender. Persuasive techniques The adverts' persuasive techniques are emotional appeal to the target market since it will persuade the target market to buy products from them. The advert also uses logical appeal by providing a logical explanation of why one should have a bicycle. Other adverts can use reciprocity percussion techniques to persuade the market to buy from them. Other adverts can tell the hard truth to the potential buyers, thus persuading them to buy. Showing prove to the potential buyers also persuades them to buy the product. The appeal's intended outcomes are to inform and increase sales and make a customer buy more bicycles. The delivery method of the advert is social media. The social media platform will help to reach out to as many people as possible in the country and outside the country where the client can serve. The target population is t ...
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