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Balanced Scorecard

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University of Manchester
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Balanced Scorecard

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Balanced Scorecard
Annotated Summaries
Chavan, M. (2009). The balanced scorecard: a new challenge. Journal of management
development, 28(5), 393-406.
This is a research journal whose objectives of study are significance of the system in
organizations, issues organizations face when implementing the system, lessons from
organizations already using the system, and the significance of using balanced scorecard in
organizations. The research was particularly carried out on Australian Organizations where the
findings revealed some internal weaknesses within the system worth improvement. The research
findings shed light on how effective and critical a management system could be if perfectly
operating. In conclusion, therefore, the author suggests internal adjustments in the performance
system to improve its efficiency.
Chimtengo, S., Mkandawire, K., & Hanif, R. (2017). An evaluation of performance using the
balanced scorecard model for the university of Malawis polytechnic. African Journal of
Business Management, 11(4), 84-93.
The journal article entails a study conducted by the University of Malawi’s polytechnic
and is typically based on the evaluation of a firm’s performance using the balanced scorecard
system. The study was done through a deductive method and later adoption of survey technique.
The survey involved a closed questionnaire relating to overall population of the institution. The
findings ranked the institution low based on customer and financial parameters of the balanced
scorecard. The above findings are in exception of internal procedures, learning methods and
inventions as the only perspectives of the scorecard that rated good.

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Running head: BALANCED SCORECARD 1 Balanced Scorecard Name Institution BALANCED SCORECARD 2 Balanced Scorecard Annotated Summaries Chavan, M. (2009). The balanced scorecard: a new challenge. Journal of management development, 28(5), 393-406. This is a research journal whose objectives of study are significance of the system in organizations, issues organizations face when implementing the system, lessons from organizations already using the system, and the significance of using balanced scorecard in organizations. The research was particularly carried out on Australian Organizations where the findings revealed some internal weaknesses within the system worth improvement. The research findings shed light on how effective and critical a management system could be if perfectly operating. In conclusion, therefore, the author suggests internal adjustments in the performance system to improve its efficiency. Chimtengo, S., Mkandawire, K., & Hanif, R. (2017). An evaluation of performance using the balanced scorecard model for the university of Malawis polytechnic. African Journal of Business Management, 11(4), 84-93. The journal article entails a study conducted by the University of Malawi’s polytechnic and is typically based on the evaluation of a firm’s performance using the balanced scorecard system. The study was done through a deductive method and later adoption of survey technique. The survey involved a closed questionnaire relating to overall population of the insti ...
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