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Understanding Disability Categories

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Grand Canyon University
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Understanding Disability Categories
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Understanding Disability Categories
Learning disabilities are conditions that may affect the organization, acquisition,
comprehension, retention, or the use of verbal and non-verbal information. Individuals suffering
from the disorders only have specific learning issues, and most preserve an average to above-
average intelligent quotient (Dominguez & Carugno, 2020). The conditions are not attributed to
cultural disadvantages or differences and emotional disturbance. Learning disabilities etiology
has an association with a neurobiological origin, with the contribution of environmental and
genetic factors. The disorders are prevalent in about 5% of all school-aged children worldwide.
The United States has a lifetime learning disability prevalence of 10% (Dominguez & Carugno,
2020). Major risk factors for developing the conditions include a family history of learning
disability, premature delivery, and poverty. The most common learning disabilities include
dyscalculia, dyslexia, non-verbal learning disabilities, and dysgraphia. This paper reflects my
learning from research, completing a disability comparison template, and participating in the
"Through Your Child's Eyes" simulation.
Completing the "Through Your Child's Eyes" simulation activities demonstrates the
struggle children with dyslexia go through. The simulation depicts learning disabilities as a
cause of anger, embarrassment, stress, guilt, and aggression. The memories of the devastating
impacts of dyslexia may have a long-lasting impact on a child (Livingston, Siegel & Ribary,
2018). Individuals suffering from dyslexia have an increased risk of negative outcomes in social,
emotional, and educational domains.
The different levels of disability categories and the simulation exercise indicate the
essence of teachers having the ability to identify individual and developmental differences and
recognize disability signs when interacting with students. Teachers work in an environment

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1 Understanding Disability Categories Student's Name University Course Professor Date 2 Understanding Disability Categories Learning disabilities are conditions that may affect the organization, acquisition, comprehension, retention, or the use of verbal and non-verbal information. Individuals suffering from the disorders only have specific learning issues, and most preserve an average to aboveaverage intelligent quotient (Dominguez & Carugno, 2020). The conditions are not attributed to cultural disadvantages or differences and emotional disturbance. Learning disabilities etiology has an association with a neurobiological origin, with the contribution of environmental and genetic factors. The disorders are prevalent in about 5% of all school-aged children worldwide. The United States has a lifetime learning disability prevalence of 10% (Dominguez & Carugno, 2020). Major risk factors for developing the conditions include a family history of learning disability, premature delivery, and poverty. The most common learning disabilities include dyscalculia, dyslexia, non-verbal learning disabilities, and dysgraphia. This paper reflects my learning from research, completing a disability comparison template, and participating in the "Through Your Child's Eyes" simulation. Completing the "Through Your Child's Eyes" simulation activities demonstrates the struggle children with dyslexia go through. The simulation depicts learning disabilities as a cause of anger, embarrassment, stres ...
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Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.
