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Human Sexuality

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University of Arizona
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Running head: HUMAN SEXUALITY 1
Human Sexuality
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Human Sexuality
Question 1
Gender stereotype is a crucial cultural practice affecting reproductive health and sexuality
among the Mexicans. A close evaluation of Mexican behavior towards sexuality and
reproduction reveals that women's reproduction is more controlled than males'. Lehmiller (2014)
explains that gender stereotype implies the overgeneralized beliefs on the characteristics and
qualities of women and men. Gender stereotyping varies according to different dimensions, such
as role behaviors, psychological traits, and occupations. This behavior poses a significant risk
among women, such as health problems and uncontrolled pregnancies. Mexican culture also
portrays a series of connected behaviors affecting female rights and health. Most Mexicans still
consider gender inequalities as a norm, which has contributed to the development of
psychosocial barriers that hinder individual choices and limiting women to better opportunities
(Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, 2018). Implementing change among the
Mexicans requires contextual change (such as education, job opportunities, and laws). The
change should also include encouraging women to control and guide the change by controlling
their lives and making decisions by themselves. Moreover, there is a necessity to develop and
implement social programs to enable women to take advantage of such capacities. Therefore, this
paper explains how gender discrimination and stereotyping among Mexicans affects
reproduction and sexual behaviors.
Sources reveal that homophobia is prevalent among Mexicans. Homophobia represents
acts against individuals who do not conform to other people’s ideas of gender. Such acts range
from lewd comments, insults, violence, and even murder in certain situations. Thus, gender
expression becomes an issue of concern whereby women perceived as masculine and males

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Running head: HUMAN SEXUALITY 1 Human Sexuality Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation HUMAN SEXUALITY 2 Human Sexuality Question 1 Gender stereotype is a crucial cultural practice affecting reproductive health and sexuality among the Mexicans. A close evaluation of Mexican behavior towards sexuality and reproduction reveals that women's reproduction is more controlled than males'. Lehmiller (2014) explains that gender stereotype implies the overgeneralized beliefs on the characteristics and qualities of women and men. Gender stereotyping varies according to different dimensions, such as role behaviors, psychological traits, and occupations. This behavior poses a significant risk among women, such as health problems and uncontrolled pregnancies. Mexican culture also portrays a series of connected behaviors affecting female rights and health. Most Mexicans still consider gender inequalities as a norm, which has contributed to the development of psychosocial barriers that hinder individual choices and limiting women to better opportunities (Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, 2018). Implementing change among the Mexicans requires contextual change (such as education, job opportunities, and laws). The change should also include encouraging women to control and guide the change by controlling their lives and making decisions by themselves. Moreover, there is a necessity to develop and implement social programs to enable women to take advantage of such capac ...
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