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Stratford University
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Culture defines the values and practices of ethnicity or community that is passed from
older generations. Parenting styles help instill values in children; therefore, parents are the
critical element in ensuring culture continuance (Kuppens & Ceulemans, 2019).
My parent ensured that a healthy meal was always served. The amount of junk food
served in our home was very minimal. They were always choosing to do home-cooked foods.
Even one time, we ate a lot of veggies had thought of my family as a vegan. This culture of
serving homemade other than ordering food from hotels was something my parents loved. At
home, mealtime is defined, and every family member has to be present for the meal to be served.
If you are not available, calling to notify my parents of the absences was advised. This was a way
of reducing throwing out food. This aspect of family eating together has made us very close as a
family. My parents instilled the element of family eating and meal times strict following;
therefore, I have continued to follow the culture. Healthy meals are something I always serve to
have a balanced diet. Therefore, my culture affects my eating.
The parenting style utilized by my parents could be judged as an authoritative style. My
parents provide to offer guidance in every aspect of our lives. This is immensely helping in my
dialing life. When my older sister reached puberty, they talked with her with the help of my aunt.
Family is one of the aspects my parents focus on ensuring that we often visit our relatives. When
a relative is in town visiting, they provide him, or she resides with the family. One way my
parents help in guidance is through ensuring we go to church regularly. Usually, my family is
accustomed to light breakfast meals, whereas lunch is the household's primary meal. In
individual nations, people come together from work and school to eat together since they highly

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CULTURE 1 Culture Student’s Name Course Name Institution Name Assignment Date CULTURE 2 Culture Culture defines the values and practices of ethnicity or community that is passed from older generations. Parenting styles help instill values in children; therefore, parents are the critical element in ensuring culture continuance (Kuppens & Ceulemans, 2019). My parent ensured that a healthy meal was always served. The amount of junk food served in our home was very minimal. They were always choosing to do home-cooked foods. Even one time, we ate a lot of veggies had thought of my family as a vegan. This culture of serving homemade other than ordering food from hotels was something my parents loved. At home, mealtime is defined, and every family member has to be present for the meal to be served. If you are not available, calling to notify my parents of the absences was advised. This was a way of reducing throwing out food. This aspect of family eating together has made us very close as a family. My parents instilled the element of family eating and meal times strict following; therefore, I have continued to follow the culture. Healthy meals are something I always serve to have a balanced diet. Therefore, my culture affects my eating. The parenting style utilized by my parents could be judged as an authoritative style. My parents provide to offer guidance in every aspect of our lives. This is immensely helping in my dialing life. When my older sister reached puberty, they ...
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