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The Power Of Personal Narrative

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The Power of Personal Narrative
The TED talk effectively explores the impact of personal narrative as a backbone of
an individual’s narrative. By highlighting that “marks” in an individual’s life is part of
unresolved tensions that shape their personal experiences, Christian Jensen implies that
tensions propel life towards moving forward and knowing what is happening for our
prosperity. I believe that Jensen’s message is well communicated in the sense that
discovering one’s narrative will not only guide them into fulfilling their lives’ mission but
will be a lifelong source of motivation and strength that guide them towards accomplishing
the set mission. Therefore, Jensen’s message is to make people understand that, to find
lifelong strength, one must take into concern the impact of three building blocks and
understand that emotional forces serve a critical effect in our life, by essentially motivating us
to perform remarkable things about our lives. Therefore, the major takeaway from the reading
is that marks are important since they tell our personal stories which later create our identities
and that tension propels us towards striving for more or what the future holds. My experience
with the reading is great since understanding the effect of ‘marks’ as unresolved personal
tensions guide one towards shaping their personal narratives hence personal development.
Nevertheless, of the three building blocks, the block that stands out to me the most is finding
my marks and possessing them (TEDx Talks 5:05). The block is important because it leads to
self-inventory by re-evaluating how I have been affected by concerns like great emotion and
how my experiences and decisions can be changed or improved.

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Filmmaking is closely related to writing from different perspectives. One of the
perspectives is that both are driven by a passion to create a different idea or content that
aligns with one’s emotions and demands of the audience. Filmmaking is driven by the urge or
the passion to create a quality product that attracts the attention, experiences, and emotions of
viewers, same as writing. Similarly, filmmaking is driven by societal changes or happenings
which might be our personal experiences. Writing is driven by what occurs in contemporary
society and the kind of change that could be beneficial. Therefore, I believe it is important to
reflect on our beliefs and experiences as individuals because they provide self-reflections of
the past decisions and how a better strategy could be formulated for a successful life.

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Surname 1 Name Professor Course Date The Power of Personal Narrative The TED talk effectively explores the impact of personal narrative as a backbone of an individual’s narrative. By highlighting that “marks” in an individual’s life is part of unresolved tensions that shape their personal experiences, Christian Jensen implies that tensions propel life towards moving forward and knowing what is happening for our prosperity. I believe that Jensen’s message is well communicated in the sense that discovering one’s narrative will not only guide them into fulfilling their lives’ mission but will be a lifelong source of motivation and strength that guide them towards accomplishing the set mission. Therefore, Jensen’s message is to make people understand that, to find lifelong strength, one must take into concern the impact of three building blocks and understand that emotional f ...
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Nice! Really impressed with the quality.
