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Hisco. Summary Annual Report

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2021 HISCO Summary Annual Report
Jasmine Weatherholtz
February 2021]

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Part 1: The Annual Report
CEO Letter
In 2021, HISCO’s main strategy involved increasing its financial performance as well as
customer satisfaction index in the market. The year passed quite fast, and it has been an exciting
time to be at HISCO. The company was able to satisfactorily achieve its set goal for the year
under my leadership, whereby the company invested towards making a sustainable future.
Nevertheless, it is important to note that this is just the beginning, for HISCO is set to be a
sustainable enterprise not only to the internal stakeholders but also the external stakeholders,
particularly the consumers. Moreover, HISCO is set to achieve sustainability and long-term
growth by carefully making decisions that will enhance the company’s cash flow, sales, and
general performance through continuously improving its organizational processes and
components. HISCO aims to be the leading company in the market by continually improving its
strategy to focus on tackling market dynamics as well as meet customer demand. As well, the
company aims to increase its value in the market by collaborating with other key stakeholders to
ensure that the organization succeeds in achieving and maintain sustainability.
During the year, a number of goals and strategies were developed and implemented to
achieve the current company’s state, which includes high sales, ideal market performance, as
well as hold a favorable market outlook. Basically, the company’s strategy involved
strengthening the markets internal state by adopting cost-saving technology as well as improving
the company’s products. This involved directing its investments towards the research and
development department, which was successful in developing implementations that enabled the
company save costs as well as efficiently carry out its operations.

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Running head: 2021 HISCO SUMMARY ANNUAL REPORT 2021 HISCO Summary Annual Report Jasmine Weatherholtz [6th February 2021] 1 2021 HISCO SUMMARY ANNUAL REPORT 2 Part 1: The Annual Report CEO Letter In 2021, HISCO’s main strategy involved increasing its financial performance as well as customer satisfaction index in the market. The year passed quite fast, and it has been an exciting time to be at HISCO. The company was able to satisfactorily achieve its set goal for the year under my leadership, whereby the company invested towards making a sustainable future. Nevertheless, it is important to note that this is just the beginning, for HISCO is set to be a sustainable enterprise not only to the internal stakeholders but also the external stakeholders, particularly the consumers. Moreover, HISCO is set to achieve sustainability and long-term growth by carefully making decisions that will enhance the company’s cash flow, sales, and general performance through continuously improving its organizational processes and components. HISCO aims to be the leading company in the market by continually improving its strategy to focus on tackling market dynamics as well as meet customer demand. As well, the company aims to increase its value in the market by collaborating with other key stakeholders to ensure that the organization succeeds in achieving and maintain sustainability. During the year, a number of goals and strategies were developed and implemented to achieve the current com ...
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