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Chronic Diseases Among The Elderly.edited.edited

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Health & Medical
Seneca college
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Parkinson’s Disease

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Chronic diseases among the elderly
The main points addressed in the study by Barbosa et al. (2006) is the high prevalence
rate of Parkinson disease among the elderly. As compared to the young population, the
prevalence rate of this condition is high, an issue associated with the practices the elderly engage
in and the minimal knowledge that most of them know to assist them in solving the condition.
Movement disorder among patients with this condition is relatively high. Understanding the
practices that would assist elderly patients suffering from parkinsonism and Parkinson’s diseases
to improve their mobility levels is an essential practice that the researchers address to reduce the
patients' suffering levels positively. The authors further address the factors leading to the high
infection rate and how the elderly may use the available resources to solve the health conditions.
Although the completed research offers knowledge on the acceptable practices that the
community may embrace to reduce the infection rate, the failure to address preventive measures
contributes to the community's minimal efforts concerning reducing infection of conditions
likely to affect their mobility levels.
In the future, healthcare managers need to embrace the measures that could enable the
community to learn about the challenges linked with their ways of life and the decisions they
could have made. Since minimal people know about the effects linked with the health decisions
they make and the likelihood of getting chronic conditions that may later affect them, healthcare
managers may rely on this data to offer the necessary health training that the community may
require to enable the community to reduce the rate at which parkinsonism and Parkinson’s
disease is recorded among the elderly. The integration of movement management practices is the
other practice that the health sector managers may consider to assist them in promoting health

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Running Head: PARKINSON’S DISEASE 1 Parkinson’s Disease Name Course Date 2 PARKINSON’S DISEASE Chronic diseases among the elderly The main points addressed in the study by Barbosa et al. (2006) is the high prevalence rate of Parkinson disease among the elderly. As compared to the young population, the prevalence rate of this condition is high, an issue associated with the practices the elderly engage in and the minimal knowledge that most of them know to assist them in solving the condition. Movement disorder among patients with this condition is relatively high. Understanding the practices that would assist elderly patients suffering from parkinsonism and Parkinson’s diseases to improve their mobility levels is an essential practice that the researchers address to reduce the patients' suffering levels positively. The authors further address the factors leading to the high infection rate and how the elderly may use the available resources to solve the health conditions. Although the completed research offers knowledge on the acceptable practices that the community may embrace to reduce the infection rate, the failure to address preventive measures contributes to the co ...
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