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Essentials Of Ministry

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Liberty University
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Essentials of Ministry
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Essentials of Ministry
Christian ministry is an activity that Christians perform to spread and express their belief
in God and their FaithFaith. The type of ministry varies in different churches. When Jesus Christ
offered Christians the command to spread the word, he meant for them to apply to all believers.
According to Early and Gutierrez in their book ‘Everyday ministry’ the essentials of ministry
are; always being ready to receive God’s calling, responding to God’s call, living a life of prayer,
maintaining an eternal perspective, refusing to coast, loving other people, living a life without
compromise, loyalty to the truth, living up to your name, and keeping the obedience bar high.
For some time, I have been struggling with maintaining my praying routine and being obedient.
Still, I have decided to create a measurable plan for improvement and become a better Christian
Always being ready to receive God’s calling.
God always has an insatiable passion for intervening with an individual's life when he
calls them. Hence, Christians should always be ready to receive God's calling. God offers
Christians opportunities to change their lives and the nations they live in forever. The vision of
God is the best gift. God is infinite, indescribable, and he is a good shepherd. Seraphim are the
closest type of angels closest to God. Seraphim are always burning simultaneously in God's
presence throughout eternity (Earley and Gutierrez, 2010). For an individual to view God, they
have to acknowledge their sins just like Isaiah did as God is filled with majesty, glory, power,
and blazing with holiness (Earley and Gutierrez, 2010). Fire can either burn and consume, or it
can cleanse and purify (Earley and Gutierrez, 2010). Even though we are all sinners, God is
willing to use fire to cleanse and purify us just as he did with Isaiah as He is compassionate,

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1 Essentials of Ministry Student’s Name Institution Course Name Professor’s Name Date 2 Essentials of Ministry Christian ministry is an activity that Christians perform to spread and express their belief in God and their FaithFaith. The type of ministry varies in different churches. When Jesus Christ offered Christians the command to spread the word, he meant for them to apply to all believers. According to Early and Gutierrez in their book ‘Everyday ministry’ the essentials of ministry are; always being ready to receive God’s calling, responding to God’s call, living a life of prayer, maintaining an eternal perspective, refusing to coast, loving other people, living a life without compromise, loyalty to the truth, living up to your name, and keeping the obedience bar high. For some time, I have been struggling with maintaining my praying routine and being obedient. Still, I have decided to create a measurable plan for improvement and become a better Christian minister. Summary. Always being ready to receive God’s calling. God always has an insatiable passion for intervening with an individual's life when he calls them. Hence, Christians should always be ready to receive God's calling. God offers Christians opportunities to change their lives and the nations they live in forever. The vision of God is the best gift. God is infinite, indescribable, and he is a good shepherd. Seraphim are the closest type of angels closest to God. Seraphim are always burning si ...
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