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The Philosophy of Absurdism
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The Philosophy of Absurdism
Albert Camus is well known for his absurdism philosophy and was also a novelist who
concentrated on the estrangement in modern life. In his novel, his ideas are explored 'the
stranger,' 'the plague,' and 'the fall.' These books made him got a Nobel prize for literature.
According to Camus, the philosophy of absurdism revolves around the notion of absurd and how
to tackle and overcome it (Camus, 2019). Absurd is referred to as the dispute between humans'
propensity to seek meaning in life and the silent answer of the world where merciless truth has
no inherent meaning in life.
A good example of absurd life experiences is existence because of various humans'
varying views and the universe itself. In this case, the concept of absurdism comes from the
dispute between reality and expectations, which comes up as a result of this confrontation.
According to the class readings on the myth of Sisyphus, Albert Camus describes three ways that
one can take to tackle the relentless reality of existence. Camus's paths in handling these
situations are suicide, philosophical suicide, and rebellion (Camus, 2019). According to Camus,
when one takes his/her own life, the individual seizes to exist, which relieves one from suffering.
A person gets to this point when he/she can no longer cope with the confrontation
between life expectations and reality. An individual gets the hopeless feeling after realizing that
there is no meaning in life. In other words, committing suicide is a form of confession that one is
defeated with life. On the other hand, philosophical suicide is about sticking to some constructed
and fictitious beliefs and ideas that help one fight and adjust to life's harsh truth and why we
exist. A good example of life fit notion about this is religion. As we are all aware, religion serves
to achieve salvation goals for one and others and to render worship and obedience to the
supernatural being.

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Running Head: DISCUSSION QUESTION 1 The Philosophy of Absurdism Students Name Institutional Affiliation Course Date DISCUSSION QUESTION 2 The Philosophy of Absurdism Albert Camus is well known for his absurdism philosophy and was also a novelist who concentrated on the estrangement in modern life. In his novel, his ideas are explored 'the stranger,' 'the plague,' and 'the fall.' These books made him got a Nobel prize for literature. According to Camus, the philosophy of absurdism revolves around the notion of absurd and how to tackle and overcome it (Camus, 2019). Absurd is referred to as the dispute between humans' propensity to seek meaning in life and the silent answer of the world where merciless truth has no inherent meaning in life. A good example of absurd life experiences is existence because of various humans' varying views and the universe itself. In this case, the concept of absurdism comes from the dispute between reality and expectations, which comes up as a result of this confrontation. According to the class readings on the myth of Sisyphus, Albert Camus describes three ways that one can take to tackle the relentless reality of existence. Camus's paths in handl ...
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