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De Anza College
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Philosophy Question
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name: Course Code
Professors Name
Due Date

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1. I don't think Dr. Morris's theory about the Big Bang is correct because I know for
certain that he is a convicted felon.
a. begging the question b. ad hominem c. hasty generalization d.
weak analogy e. hypothesis contrary to fact
2. Trump should be impeached because he is guilty of impeachable crimes and
presidents guilty of impeachable crimes should be impeached.
a. ad hominem b. hasty generalization c. Dicto simpliciter d. begging
the question e. straw man
3. We need to outlaw pornography as soon as possible because the continued
manufacture and sale of pornography will lead to an increase in sex-related crimes such
as rape and incest. And this in turn will gradually erode the moral fabric of society
and result in an increase in crimes of all sorts. Eventually a complete disintegration
of law and order will occur, leading in the end to the collapse of civilization. a.
straw man b. begging the question c. post hoc d. slippery slope red
4. I think my plan to end the dispute is better than all the other plans that have been
put forward by members in our club. After all, I've spent a lot of time working on my
a. straw man b. begging the question c. false dilemma d. ad hominem
e. irrelevant conclusion
5. Professor Harris said that he will give a talk about heart failure in the biology
lecture hall. It must be the case that a number of heart failures have occurred there
a. begging the question b. straw man c. slippery slope d. amphiboly
e. equivocation
6. If a student misses more than four classes he or she will be dropped from the course.
Since Cathy (a student in the class) was dropped from the course it follows that she
missed more than four classes. a. begging the question b. false dilemma
c. affirming the consequent d. amphiboly e. slippery slope
7. Since the Royal Society is over 300 years old it follows that Professor Ellis, who
is a member of the Royal Society, must be over 300 years old.
a. begging the question b. fallacy of division c. amphiboly d. slippery
slope e. Hypothesis contrary to fact

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Philosophy Question Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Name: Course Code Professor’s Name Due Date 1. I don't think Dr. Morris's theory about the Big Bang is correct because I know for certain that he is a convicted felon. a. begging the question b. ad hominem weak analogy e. hypothesis contrary to fact c. hasty generalization d. 2. Trump should be impeached because he is guilty of impeachable crimes and presidents guilty of impeachable crimes should be impeached. a. ad hominem b. hasty generalization the question e. straw man c. Dicto simpliciter d. begging 3. We need to outlaw pornography as soon as possible because the continued manufacture and sale of pornography will lead to an increase in sex-related crimes such as rape and incest. And this in turn will gradually erode the moral fabric of society and result in an increase in crimes of all sorts. Eventually a complete disintegration of law and order will occur, leading in the end to the collapse of civilization. a. straw man b. begging the question c. post hoc d. slippery slope red herring 4. I think my plan to end the dispute is better than all the other plans that have been put forward by members in our club. After all, I've spent a lot of time working on my plan. a. straw man b. begging the question e. irrelevant conclusion c. false dilemma d. ad hominem 5. Professor Harris said that he will give a talk about heart failure in the biology lecture hall. It must be the case that a number of ...
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