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Consumer protection

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Chapter – 12 Consumer Protection • • If consumers are asked to make greater sacrifices than industry, the country is going to have the greatest shortage of all consumers. Betty Furness, an American Consumer Advocate. Protecting consumers from unfair trade practices, adopted by the producers and sellers of goods and services is termed as consumer protection. It not only includes educating consumers about their rights and responsibilities, but also helps in getting their grievances redressed. Importance of Consumer Protection (from Consumer’s point of view) 1. Consumers Ignorance: Majority of consumers are not aware of their rights and reliefs available to them as a result of which they are exploited. In order to save consumers from exploitation, consumer protection is needed. 2. Unorganized Consumers: In India consumers are still unorganized and there is lack of consumer organizations also, thus consumer protection is required. 3. Widespread Exploitation of Consumers: Consumers are exploited on large scale by means of various unfair trade practices and consumer protection is required to protect them from exploitation. 1. Long term Business Interest: It is always in the interest of the business to keep its customer satisfied. Global competition could be won only after satisfying customers. Satisfied customers lead to repeat sales and help in increasing customer base of business. 2. Moral Justification: It is the moral duty of any business to take care of consumer ...
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