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Running head: TIME & COST PRACTICES 1
Time & Cost Practices: Draft Cost Management Document
Name: Jingtang Hu
Course: PJM 6025
Dan Piche

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Time & Cost Practices: Draft Cost Management Document
The cost management document includes a breakdown of Seattle's new restaurant
project's cost concept, an estimate, and monitoring. A clear budget and period were allocated to
the project. This paper analyzes the procedures required to be implemented successfully. It also
summarizes the contingency reserve with the reserve finance cost-containment strategy. The
exact estimates to see the whole project finished are caught in a cost basis statement. A reserve
measurement is used using the approach to expected benefit.
Additional specifics are given on the funds sought, future uses, and responsible staff. This
schedule is meant to include projections and an overview of how a project would be carried out.
This paper guarantees that tasks are performed within the budget specified. The project funders,
sourcing, and negotiating committee would play a fundamental role in the project before
completing the project.
The Overview of the Project
Two destructive hurricanes, Irma and Maria, were encountered in Puerto Rico in 2017.
The two hurricanes seriously impacted the region, as shown by the loss of life and its major
infrastructure devastation. As the world returned to normalcy, many Puerto Ricans evacuated
from the mainland did not return, owing to the shortage of water and power due to dire
circumstances in their living conditions. Therefore, this project aims to find a lasting solution to
the country's housing crisis through the construction of a module for the hurricane-resistant
collective housing project. The project team would explicitly discuss the following priorities.
Second, the initiative aims at creating a resilient hurricane environment for Puerto Rica's housing
department. The designed buildings can endure up to 111mph winds. Secondly, the plant would
provide adequate solar electricity to the city.

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Running head: TIME & COST PRACTICES 1 Time & Cost Practices: Draft Cost Management Document Name: Jingtang Hu Course: PJM 6025 Dan Piche 09/02/2021 2 Time & Cost Practices: Draft Cost Management Document The cost management document includes a breakdown of Seattle's new restaurant project's cost concept, an estimate, and monitoring. A clear budget and period were allocated to the project. This paper analyzes the procedures required to be implemented successfully. It also summarizes the contingency reserve with the reserve finance cost-containment strategy. The exact estimates to see the whole project finished are caught in a cost basis statement. A reserve measurement is used using the approach to expected benefit. Additional specifics are given on the funds sought, future uses, and responsible staff. This schedule is meant to include projections and an overview of how a project would be carried out. This paper guarantees that tasks are performed within the budget specified. The project funders, sourcing, and negotiating committee would play a fundamental role in the project before completing the project. The Overview of the Project Two destructive hurricanes, Irma and Maria, were encountered in Puerto Rico in 2017. The two hurricanes seriously impacted the region, as shown by the loss of life and its major infrastructure devastation. As the world returned to normalcy, many Puerto Ricans evacuated from the mainland did not return, owing to the shortage of water and power ...
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