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Highline Community College
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1) The neurotransmitter will be Acetylcholine. He binds to nicotine ion-channel receptors, causing the
Na+ channels to open, and that results with muscle contraction.
2) In order to be induced EPSP, the neurotransmitter have to be excitatory. The neurotransmitter can be
Glutamate (most common in CNS), he binds with ionotropic NMDA and AMPA receptors, causing the
Na+ channels to open, and inducing EPSP. (increased positivity on the internal side of the membrane)
3) In order to be induced IPSP, the neurotransmitter have to be inhibitory. The most common inhibitory
neurotransmitter is GABA neurotransmitter, he binds with GABAA class receptors (ligand-gated ion
channels), causing the Cl or K channels to open, and inducing IPSP. (increased negativity on the
internal side of the membrane)
1) GABA neurotransmitter, binding with GABAA class of receptors on GABAergic terminals on the
neuron, causing suppress release of neurotransmitter of the secondary axon (axon C on the pic), and we
say that Postsynaptic inhibition occurred.
2) The neurotransmitter will be short neuropeptide F (sNPF), binding to sNPFR1, this will induce
starvation-induced food-search behaviour. With facilitation, the starvation will induce increased
transcription of sNPFR1 and the starvation will result in more robust food-search behaviour.
3) The synapses involved with EPSP and IPSP are monosynaptic, the transport of the neurotransmitter is
direct towards the post-synaptic neuron. The synapses involved with Presynaptic inhibition and
Presynaptic facilitation signal are through secondary messenger (the neurotransmitter is a
4) The channels involved with EPSP and IPSP are ion channels, but they are opened instantly, with direct
binding to the receptor with the neurotransmitter, and the effect is immediate. While, the channels
involved with Presynaptic inhibition and Presynaptic facilitation are through secondary messenger, and
they will still open ion-channels, but the effect will be delayed.

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1) The neurotransmitter will be Acetylcholine. He binds to nicotine ion-channel receptors, causing the Na+ channels to open, and that results with muscle contraction. 2) In order to be induced EPSP, the neurotransmitter have to be excitatory. The neurotransmitter can be Glutamate (most common in CN ...
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