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Self driving cars

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Artificial Intelligence: Background
Artificial intelligence has been in the works for the longest time, and its primary purpose
was to mimic human intelligence in perceiving things and solving problems, thus helping the
average human being accomplish tasks that would have otherwise been extremely hard or
impossible, with relative ease and efficiency (Akerkar, 2019). Thus, the need for human beings
to be comfortable has been an understated motivation for innovation. The steps towards artificial
intelligence started from the desire to give machines cognitive power. Initially, it was just a
principle introduced in 1955 to be learnt in school, but the journey towards its development and
implementation was a roller coaster of optimism and drawbacks.
However, the journey towards AI and autonomous technology began a little earlier with
the invention of RADAR technology. It was from the principle that radio waves could bounce off
of metal surfaces by Henrich Hertz, and it was first meant for ships so they couldn’t collide in
fog. Radar evolved and was used in commercial and fighter planes and battle ships a little later.
In fact, the first and second World Wars fuelled very many inventions and opened up a whole
new possibilities for intelligent machines.
Since then, Artificial Intelligence, its uses and fields of study have diversified and are
currently used by different companies towards different ends. Some of these are auto pilot
systems in planes, social media analytics, military warfare, prediction of things such as flight
delays, weather and climate changes, natural disasters, diagnosis and computer assisted surgeries
in hospitals, computer and smartphone assistants e.g. Siri and Google assistant which recognize
human speech commands, phone apps and games and the topic under discussion, autonomous
driving among others.

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Running Head: SELF-DRIVING CARS 1 SELF-DRIVING CARS Name of the Student Institution Course Professor Date SELF-DRIVING CARS 2 Artificial Intelligence: Background Artificial intelligence has been in the works for the longest time, and its primary purpose was to mimic human intelligence in perceiving things and solving problems, thus helping the average human being accomplish tasks that would have otherwise been extremely hard or impossible, with relative ease and efficiency (Akerkar, 2019). Thus, the need for human beings to be comfortable has been an understated motivation for innovation. The steps towards artificial intelligence started from the desire to give machines cognitive power. Initially, it was just a principle introduced in 1955 to be learnt in school, but the journey towards its development and implementation was a roller coaster of optimism and drawbacks. However, the journey towards AI and autonomous technology began a little earlier with the invention of RADAR technology. It was from the principle that radio waves could bounce off of metal surfaces by Henrich Hertz, and it was first meant for ships so they couldn’t collide in fog. Radar evolved and was used in commercial and fighter planes and battle ships a little later. In fact, the first and second World Wars fuelled very many inventions and opened up a whole new possibilities for intelligent machines. Since then, Artificial Intelligence, its uses and fields of study have diversified and are current ...
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