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Nursing Concepts1

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Purdue University
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Running Head: ASSIGNMENT 1
Nursing theory
Institutional affiliation

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Nurses are guided by implicit and explicit theories or patterns of thinking as they attend
to the patients. Frequently, the pattern of thinking is implicit and is conveyed through diagnoses,
treatments, and the lens of diseases. However, that does not reflect practice from the nursing
disciplinary practice. A major aim for developing and studying nursing is to improve the nursing
practice, health, and quality of life of patients (Smith, 2019). Just like other fields, the nursing
field is comprised of theorists and theorists who have developed their research to enrich and
improve it. This paper will analyze how theorists illuminate their philosophy in the field of
nursing. It is written from the perspective of Joyce Travelbee, a nursing theorist who took part in
developing the human-human relationship model.
The concept of nursing has evolved over years. Understanding the concept of nursing can
be formulated in terms of its unique identity as a field of study or discipline. Reflecting
Nightingale's definition of nursing, she differentiated nursing from medicine and concurred that
the two were different practices. She defined nursing as putting people in their best condition,
and the main focus of nursing was health and the natural healing process (Smith, 2019). An
environment that established conditions for natural healing is the focus of nursing. For nurses to
be committed in their practice, they must understand the health and illness of their clients.
Indeed, nursing is not only a practice but a calling that requires nurses to be committed to their
work. Nurses must use scientific principles, observe nature laws, and care for their patients to
restore their health.
The nursing discipline involves ethics, philosophy, nursing science, and so forth. Ethics is
a concept that focuses on what nurses should do and what they should not do (Helmstadter,

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Running Head: ASSIGNMENT 1 Nursing theory Institutional affiliation Date ASSIGNMENT 2 Introduction Nurses are guided by implicit and explicit theories or patterns of thinking as they attend to the patients. Frequently, the pattern of thinking is implicit and is conveyed through diagnoses, treatments, and the lens of diseases. However, that does not reflect practice from the nursing disciplinary practice. A major aim for developing and studying nursing is to improve the nursing practice, health, and quality of life of patients (Smith, 2019). Just like other fields, the nursing field is comprised of theorists and theorists who have developed their research to enrich and improve it. This paper will analyze how theorists illuminate their philosophy in the field of nursing. It is written from the perspective of Joyce Travelbee, a nursing theorist who took part in developing the human-human relationship model. Theorizing The concept of nursing has evolved over years. Understanding the concept of nursing can be formulated in terms of its unique identity as a field of study or discipline. Reflecting Nightingale's definition of nursing, she differentiated nursing from medicine and concurred that the two were different practices. She defined nursing as putting people in their best condition, and the main focus of nursing was health and the natural healing process (Smith, 2019). An environment that established conditions for natural healing is the focus of nursing. For nurses to b ...
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