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Hcs 499 Importance Of Mission And Vision Statements In Strategic Planning

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University of Phoenix
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The mission and vision statements are essential for the strategic planning of an
organization. For the healthcare organization, the mission statement tells about the
organization and what they do for their clients. The vision statement tells what the
organization plans to do and how the plans are going to be accomplished. Numerous mission
and vision statements are provided for the Stevens District Hospital, out of which I will
present the analysis of the most appropriate statement.
Mission and vision selected
The most appropriate mission and vision statement for the hospital described in
previous work are to be deeply committed to the communities we serve, we enhance
population health and well-being (mission statement), and deliver an exceptional experience
with every encounter (vision statement).
Rationale for selecting mission and vision statement
The reason I have selected the mission and vision statement is that the hospital was
once owned by the government and also received funding from them. The objective was to
improve the quality of healthcare delivered to the patients. Stevens District Hospital is a
separate facility that offers all types of health-related services that range from small to large. I
believe that the hospital should change the mission statement for accommodating the
communities they serve. The mission and vision statement selected for the hospital presents
the ultimate goal of increasing the market share by providing quality care and exceptional
experiences to the patients. The hospital is targeted to improve quality in all the six criteria
defined to a baseline of the 85th percentile. The quality of care is dedicated to the community
and the people serving the organization. The hospital provides a wide range of services which

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Running head: ASSIGNMENT 1 Title Student name Course name Instructor name Date ASSIGNMENT 2 Introduction The mission and vision statements are essential for the strategic planning of an organization. For the healthcare organization, the mission statement tells about the organization and what they do for their clients. The vision statement tells what the organization plans to do and how the plans are going to be accomplished. Numerous mission and vision statements are provided for the Stevens District Hospital, out of which I will present the analysis of the most appropriate statement. Mission and vision selected The most appropriate mission and vision statement for the hospital described in previous work are to be deeply committed to the communities we serve, we enhance population health and well-being (mission statement), and deliver an exceptional experience with every encounter (vision statement). Rationale for selecting mission and vision statement The reason I have selected the mission and vision statement is that the hospital was once owned by the government and also received funding from them. The objective was to improve the quality of healthcare delivered to the patients. Stevens District Hospital is a separate facility that offers all types of health-related services that range from small to large. I believe that the hospital should change the mission statement for accommodating the communities they serve. The mission and vision statement selected for the hosp ...
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