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Personal Philosophy Of Nursing

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Personal Philosophy of Nursing
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Personal Philosophy of Nursing
Nursing's Metaparadigm
Nursing metaparadigms are essential for the delivery of holistic care. From these
perspectives, nurses can understand that an array of factors influence patients' wellbeing.
Although curative factors are central in nursing intervention, they should not work alone.
Practical nursing blends a mix of interventions addressing body, soul, and mind (Bender 2018).
Besides the physiological recovery, nurses should focus on spiritual and mental for the holistic
patients' recovery. Achievement of this kind of intervention depends on the four metaparadigms,
namely, person, health, environment, and nursing.
Person refers to the recipient of nursing intervention. In the holistic preparedness, nurses
should incorporate patients' culture, spirituality, economic status, family, and friends in the
assessment. From Watson's belief, care should meet the patient's needs. These needs are many
besides the curative ones. The omission of one requirement can compromise the delivery of care
(Bender 2018). Besides, health is the quality of wellbeing, access to care, among other factors.
From the metaparadigm, nurses can understand that physical wellbeing is not overall health. The
mental and spiritual soundness impacts the quality of individuals' health and the value of
accepting interventions. Environment refers to the patients surrounding. Mostly, the surrounding
is the social determinants of health. The social relationship is a crucial marker of supporting
healing. The relationship starts from nurse to nurse and other providers. The interactions of the
nurses and patients influence the ease of delivering services. A nurse who has established a good
rapport with the patient is likely to have a successful assessment and plan for holistic patient
recovery. Fundamentally, the nursing aspect refers to the factors centred on the provider. The
critical elements include the nurse's values, skills, competence, and knowledge in providing

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1 Personal Philosophy of Nursing Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Instructor Date 2 Personal Philosophy of Nursing Nursing's Metaparadigm Nursing metaparadigms are essential for the delivery of holistic care. From these perspectives, nurses can understand that an array of factors influence patients' wellbeing. Although curative factors are central in nursing intervention, they should not work alone. Practical nursing blends a mix of interventions addressing body, soul, and mind (Bender 2018). Besides the physiological recovery, nurses should focus on spiritual and mental for the holistic patients' recovery. Achievement of this kind of intervention depends on the four metaparadigms, namely, person, health, environment, and nursing. Person refers to the recipient of nursing intervention. In the holistic preparedness, nurses should incorporate patients' culture, spirituality, economic status, family, and friends in the assessment. From Watson's belief, care should meet the patient's needs. These needs are many besides the curative ones. The omission of one requirement can compromise the delivery of care (Bender 2018). Besides, health is the quality of wellbeing, access to care, among other factors. From the metaparadigm, nurses can understand that physical wellbeing is not overall health. The mental and spiritual soundness impacts the quality of individuals' health and the value of accepting interventions. Environment refers to the patients surrounding. Mostly ...
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