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Patient portal

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Patient Portal Data Management
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Patient portal refers to a safe online platform that gives patients easy, 24-hour access to
healthcare data from all over the globe with provided there is Internet connectivity. The approach
advocates for use of a protected username and password, through which patients can access
health data such as: Recent doctors’ appointments, discharge information and other crucial health
data. One of the significant benefits of patient portal is its ability to store massive data than the
traditional approach used for the paper work. Besides, data accuracy and reliability is maintained
since the data is per patient and accessed through secure protocols. The patient platform achieves
improved contact for patients with chronic diseases. On the other hand, there is a security issue
concern for the patient’s portals incase the system protection becomes weak and data falls into
the wrong hands. In addition, doctors must do what they can to inspire and involve patients to
use RPM. Finally, untested precision of the instruments is the key drawboard of this innovation
(Woolf et al., 2018). The usefulness of RPM remains unknown for a large number as long as
there is a risk of inconsistency.
The patient-reported outcome is an essential tool used in PROs which includes quality of
life (HRQOL) where patient perceived by medical status are reportable by the ill individuals
explicitly and educate the patients directly and are influential in making of clinical policies for
chronic ailments, morbidity and patient suffering. PROM information can allow clinicians to
recognize strengths and weak points and compare their results with that of peer institutions, as
well as to identify methods to enhance the performance of a physician (Haywood et al., 2015).
The results for patients seem to be the only real quality metrics of value-based treatment. I feel
that when results are assessed and recorded, it encourages better and better standardized practices
and therefore further improves results. Similarly, I agree that the cornerstone of all healthcare
systems can be deemed as patient. The effects of a patient clinical operation like the patient

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1 Patient Portal Data Management Student Name Course Professor name Institution Affiliation Due Date 2 Patient portal refers to a safe online platform that gives patients easy, 24-hour access to healthcare data from all over the globe with provided there is Internet connectivity. The approach advocates for use of a protected username and password, through which patients can access health data such as: Recent doctors’ appointments, discharge information and other crucial health data. One of the significant benefits of patient portal is its ability to store massive data than the traditional approach used for the paper work. Besides, data accuracy and reliability is maintained since the data is per patient and accessed through secure protocols. The patient platform achieves improved contact for patients with chronic diseases. On the other hand, there is a security issue concern for the patient’s portals incase the system protection becomes weak and data falls into the wrong hands. In addition, doctors must do what they can to inspire and involve patients to use RPM. Finally, untested precision of the instruments is the key drawboard of this innovation (Woolf et al., 2018). The ...
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