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Should all Universities require students to learn Home Economics/Life Skills?

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1. What are the opposing views of your topic? What affect did these ideas have on your
speech? i.e. how did you use the opposing views to prepare/research your information?
Majority of the students believe that learning home skill arts and home economies are less
important as they are basic life skills. However, I firmly disagree with their stand as each skill is
I conducted immense research on the topic of fundamental life skills based on the home
economy knowledge. The study from literary sources prove that permanent life skills are crucial
in allowing the students to lead a better organized lifestyle in efficient organization of household
and also empowers the learner with critical skills. Simple skills like garment making or budget
formation are useful skills that can be taught during classrooms and also for Home Economics.
The curriculum of lifelong learning is doubtless very helpful for all high schoolers, since it
provides students with the practical skills required in their everyday life to help them progress
from childhood to adulthood.
2. What makes the opposing view wrong in your opinion?
There is no single skill that can be termed as less essential and common as far as it offers the
learner an opportunity to earn and live a decent life.
Viewpoint 1: A person could never lead a poor life while employed if one had undergone the
basics of home economics. Fundamental housekeeping skills are deemed as crucial in arranging
the household items and staying organized. Besides, there other merits in dietary as the scholars
learn nutritional values at school.

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1 Should all Universities require students to learn Home Economics/Life Skills? Name Institution Professor Course Date 2 1. What are the opposing views of your topic? What affect did these ideas have on your speech? i.e. how did you use the opposing views to prepare/research your information? Majority of the students believe that learning home skill arts and home economies are less important as they are basic life skills. However, I firmly disagree with their stand as each skill is essential. I conducted immense research on the topic of fundamental life skills based on the home economy knowledge. The study from literary sources prove that permanent life skills are crucial in allowing the students to lead a better organized lifestyle in efficient organization of household and also empowers the learner with critical skills. Simple skills like garment making or budget formation are useful skills that can be taught during classrooms and also for Home Economics. The curriculum of lifelong learning is doubtless very helpful for all high schoolers, since it provides students with the practical skills required in their everyday life to help them progress from childhood to adulthood. 2. What makes the opposing view wrong in your opinion? There is no single skill that can be termed as less essential and common as far as it offers the learner an opportunity to earn and live a decent life. Viewpoint 1: A person could never lead a poor life while employed if one had undergone the basic ...
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