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Role of the nurse informaticist

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Role of the Nurse Informaticist in SDLC
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Being a nurse director demands for accountability, in particular for the design and
implementation of projects. Good preparation and an excellent project delivery team identify the
project progress during the development of the project. The presence of a nurse in the SDLC
period provides the company with benefits. The SDLC cycles are similar to the infants process ,
requiring an extensive evaluation, diagnostic of the systems, preparation within the system,
implementation of system design, assessment and subsequent monitoring (Schachner et al . ,
2016). Nurses are looking increasingly for data, technology and an evidence-based approach to
quality care in the design and deployment of modern health systems. Health institutions are
concerned about developments in health IT, which expand the responsibilities and duties of
nurses. The creation of care positions has involved the participation of nurses within the SDLC.
Nurses throughout all levels of the SDLC should be actively engaged in medical facilities. This
paper will offer insight on the merits and role of nurses in the health systems development and
execution life cycles.
Role of Nurse in SDLC
Planning and Requirement Definition
At this point, the primary function of the nurse informaticist profession is to provide a
process of development layout. The planning and specifications process involves primarily
structuring a phased approach to the system growth. The most critical aspect of any systems
development is planning since it functions as a roadmap for the completion of a project (Verma
& Gupta 2017). The position of the nurse at this point is crucial because they are primary care
providers and have knowledge on the procedures of activity, policies and methods of the systems
in their own right. They have the right knowledge of all the problem areas in the field of system

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1 Role of the Nurse Informaticist in SDLC Student Name Course Professor name Institution Affiliation Due Date 2 Introduction Being a nurse director demands for accountability, in particular for the design and implementation of projects. Good preparation and an excellent project delivery team identify the project progress during the development of the project. The presence of a nurse in the SDLC period provides the company with benefits. The SDLC cycles are similar to the infants process , requiring an extensive evaluation, diagnostic of the systems, preparation within the system, implementation of system design, assessment and subsequent monitoring (Schachner et al . , 2016). Nurses are looking increasingly for data, technology and an evidence-based approach to quality care in the design and deployment of modern health systems. Health institutions are concerned about developments in health IT, which expand the responsibilities and duties of nurses. The creation of care positions has involved the participation of nurses within the SDLC. Nurses throughout all levels of the SDLC should be actively engaged in medical facilities. This paper will offer insight on the merits and role of nurses in the health systems development and execution life cycles. Role of Nurse in SDLC Planning and Requirement Definition At this point, the primary function of the nurse informaticist profession is to provide a process of development layout. The planning and specifications process involves pr ...
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