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Reflection: Sampling and Reliability
Lucia Reyes
Florida National University

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Sampling and Reliability Reflection
Sampling is widely used in research because of its cost-effectiveness and the ability to
reduce biasness in terms of the population. However, the consistency of the research study is
essential, and therefore it researchers need to be conversant with the process of conducting
reliable research through sampling. This week’s reflection focuses on sampling and reliability.
The chapter on sampling has really been insightful, equipping me with the knowledge
and skills required at this particular stage of my research project. Through this week's reading, I
have had an opportunity to learn more about the different aspects of sampling, sampling size,
sampling errors and biasness and the different types of sampling and how to apply them (Tappen,
2015). I was further able to gain an understanding of the steps of sampling from the
identification of the target population, data collection to results interpretation based on the
sample. When sampling, it is essential to use a large sample size and make sure the sample is
carefully selected to represent the population fairly and avoid any biasness.
Reliability of a study defined as the level at which a research methodology produces
steady and dependable results is key to any research, and therefore getting an understanding of
the how to achieve it in my research was resourceful. From this weeks reading , I was able to
gain knowledge on measurement, the various ways of checking the reliability, and also how to
improve it (Grove & Gray, 2018). I intend to incorporate the knowledge gained from the reading
on sampling and reliability in my research and make it more credible and trustworthy.
Additionally, with this information, I will be able to improve the quality of my research by
making it reliable and dependable.

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Running head: SAMPLING & RELIABILITY Reflection: Sampling and Reliability Lucia Reyes Florida National University SAMPLING & RELIABILITY 2 Sampling and Reliability Reflection Sampling is widely used in research because of its cost-effectiveness and the ability to reduce biasness in terms of the population. However, the consistency of the research study is essential, and therefore it researchers need to be conversant with the process of conducting reliable research through sampling. This week’s reflection focuses on sampling and reliability. The chapter on sampling has really been insightful, equipping me with the knowledge and skills required at this particular stage of my research project. Through this week's reading, I have had an opportunity to learn more about the different aspects of sampling, sampling size, sampling errors and biasness and the different types of sampling and ...
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