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Reviewed school violence

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School violence has caught so much attention of late in the United States especially with
the shooting cases in schools all over the world. This has caused so many people and more
especially parents to be more concerned about the well-being and safety of their children when in
school. Schools are seen as the safest place that parents entrust their children fully to grow and
learn rather than seeing it as a place to instill fear and face violence. The number of cases of
violence in schools has been regular across the country thus it makes it obvious that the number
of cases of school violence is increasing.
Conversely, according to research done by various researchers, the number of violent
cases is not increasing rather it is decreasing (Rubel, 1978; Scherer & Stimson, 1984; Wayson,
1985, & Grier & Chaddock, 1999). Despite these results, the perception of school violence has
increased and has become tragic as time goes. Media has contributed a lot to its awareness to the
public and according to media; violence has been the recent serious problems in schools and is
perceived to have increased. Parents have been reported to have increased their fears for
dropping their children for school every day and most of them are getting reluctant to send their
children to school (Weaver, 1993).
As fears on parents, children and community increases, the education of children is
affected significantly (Chandras, 1999). There are also increased fears on teachers concerned
about their own safety and the safety of the children while in school. Most reports say that these
violent cases have left most of the students and the society devastated and have highly affected
the school personnel. This has jeopardized an opportunity of students getting an education when
teachers, parents, and student are in constant fears of going to school (Mulhern, Dibble, &

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Running Head: School Violence SCHOOL VIOLENCE Name: Tutor: Institution: SCHOOL VIOLENCE 2 Introduction School violence has caught so much attention of late in the United States especially with the shooting cases in schools all over the world. This has caused so many people and more especially parents to be more concerned about the well-being and safety of their children when in school. Schools are seen as the safest place that parents entrust their children fully to grow and learn rather than seeing it as a place to instill fear and face violence. The number of cases of violence in schools has been regular across the country thus it makes it obvious that the number of cases of school violence is increasing. Conversely, according to research done by various researchers, the number of violent cases is not increasing rather it is decreasing (Rubel, 1978; Scherer & Stimson, 1984; Wayson, 1985, & Grier & Chaddock, 1999). Despite these results, the perception of school violence has increased and has become tragic as time goes. Media has contributed a lot to its awareness to the public and according to media; violence has been the recent serious problems in schools and is perceived to have increased. Parents have been reported to have increased their fears for dropping their children for school every day and most of them are getting reluctant to send their children to school (Weaver, 1993). As fears on parents, children and community increases, the education of children is affe ...
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