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Public health is a community approach which prioritizes to promote health

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Public health is a community approach which prioritizes to promote health. Its main focus goes
beyond protecting an individual, it protects the whole society. The government provides various
policies which promote health to the community in order to reduce risks of the whole society
being exposed. The government intervenes by providing health-related regulations and policies
such as mandating treatment, screening and immunization, vaccination and sometimes
Generally, the provision of health services by the government is one of the main ways to which
the government intervenes to promote public health. The public services are made cheaper and
some services are made free contrary to private practitioners. The government ensures there are
medicines in public hospitals to ensure the promotion of public health. During the 19th century,
the government enforced sanitary regulations. In the 20th century, the cost of public health was
seen less than the benefit and more money is now channeled to public health services.
However, government intervention on public health in improving the wellness of the society, it
constantly faces dilemmas concerning the issue of infringing on people’s freedom as people find
it controversial with the freedom of someone. Most people and especially parent fail to
immunize their children due to fear of the reaction on the child. Different children react
differently to vaccination. In 2015, some people became paralyzed after induction of a vaccine.
Due to this fear, most parents choose to wait until the child reaches a specific date to be
vaccinating and
Above all these, I strongly feel that government intervention in health does promote largely in
promoting the well-being of society. Today, most public health practitioners use advanced tools
and epidemiology in their routines focusing on the promotion of public health countrywide.

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Public health is a community approach which prioritizes to promote health. Its main focus goes beyond protecting an individual, it protects the whole society. The government provides various policies which promote health to the community in order to reduce risks of the whole society being exposed. The government intervenes by providing health-related regulations and policies such as mandating treatment, screening and immunization, vaccination and sometimes quarantine. Generally, the provision of health services by the government is one of the main ways to which the government intervenes to pro ...
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