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Jmangiacotti deliverable4 02 28 2021

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Module 4: Managing Accounting & Financial Information 1. Identify the tables that you would need to create a working database for the company's receivables, payables, & Inventory. Client Information Table Client Name Client ID Kathryn's Kakes BG001 Holly's Hot Cakes BG002 Waste BG000 Chart of Accounts Accounts Receivables Accounts Payables Bank Account#1 CreditCard#1 CreditCard#2 Inventory Item Chocolate Chips Flour Peanut Butter Sugar Egg Carton Milk Cost to Client $3.00 $6 $5 $7.00 $2 $4.63 Accounts Receivables Client Name Kathryn's Kakes Item Purchased Eggs Milk Flour Chocolate Chips Sugar Total Holly's Hot Cakes Eggs Milk Sugar Peanut Butter Total Accounts Payables Vendor Name Justin's Jams Item Purchased Eggs Milk Sugar Al's Baking Supply Peanut Butter Chocolate Chips Flour 2. Create relationships for your various tables and databases. For instance, how does the A/P database interfac Database? If you look above; There is a Chart of accounts that lists all the different tables within the Data Base - A out all accounts / tables within the data base and all the accounts interact with eachother in one way or another. Inventory Table; it lists all the items that BeGood holds within it's warehouse. When 1 item is ordered, it is docum invoice is created within the A / R for the warehouse to ship with the product. Once the order comes in - The item automatically accounted for within the inventory (Via Excel Function). If the cost to our clients is changed for ...
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