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Providing Insights Through Data

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Rasmussen University
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Providing Insights through Data Visualization
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Providing Insights through Data Visualization
In this module 7, I have been tasked with creating a tableau visual presentation on global
warming that AI Gore will use, the 45
Vice-President of the United States of America, to educate
some naysayers the Congress and key industrialists. AI Gore has been known for his environmental
activism. Many people believe that global warming is a makeup story and the rapid adverse
climatic changes are due to political rhetoric supported by extremists. The vice president wants to
demonstrate a need for merit in presenting a claim on the global warming crisis to both the
Congress and industrialists' naysayers.
The visual presentation will analyze the contiguous United States climatological changes
for hundred years. It will also create a visualization of the 2015 Greenhouse Gas Emissions. The
visual presentation will be copied and narrated on this word document report. The primary purpose
of the report is to present the Vice President (AI Gore) with correct visuals of the data obtained
and analyzed from NOAA and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) websites based on the
audience needs, justification of the data sets used, data presentation using editorial thinking and
communication, identification of data found unavailable, a devised plan to turn the insights into
actions, and reasons why the insights are actionable.
The Presentation Visualizations
a. Average Temperature
The viz below shows the average temperature of the United States Contiguous for 100
years (1901-2000). It shows that the average temperatures have been increasing since it departed
the normal average value. As we approach the 20
century, the rankings get higher.

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1 Providing Insights through Data Visualization Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course#: Course Title Instructor’s Name Assignment Due Date 2 Providing Insights through Data Visualization Introduction In this module 7, I have been tasked with creating a tableau visual presentation on global warming that AI Gore will use, the 45th Vice-President of the United States of America, to educate some naysayers the Congress and key industrialists. AI Gore has been known for his environmental activism. Many people believe that global warming is a makeup story and the rapid adverse climatic changes are due to political rhetoric supported by extremists. The vice president wants to demonstrate a need for merit in presenting a claim on the global warming crisis to both the Congress and industrialists' naysayers. The visual presentation will analyze the contiguous United States climatological changes for hundred years. It will also create a visualization of the 2015 Greenhouse Gas Emissions. The visual presentation will be copied and narrated on this word document report. The primary purpose of the report is to present the Vice President (AI Gore) with correct visuals of the data obtained and analyzed from NOAA and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) websites based on the audience needs, justification of the data sets used, data presentation using editorial thinking and communication, identification of data found unavailable, a devised plan to turn the insights into a ...
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I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!
