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Sociology Question

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Eastern Gateway Community College
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Sociology Question
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Sociology Question
Poverty and Aging
Sociology provides a powerful tool for thinking about poverty and aging. Sociological
thinking enables individuals to comprehend social issues and problems better since it enables
them to consider personal troubles as part of society's economic and political institutions.
Additionally, sociological thinking can help individuals disentangle poverty from a range of
related concepts that may be subject to misinterpretation.
Sociological Causes and Explanations Linked to Poverty and Aging
There is a positive relationship between aging and poverty. According to the
disengagement theory, older people experience a decline in physical and mental energy.
Therefore, they ought to take up roles that require less effort while leaving their previous roles to
the younger people in society. This is perspective can be better explained through aging and
retirement. Although many people remain self-sufficient, aging can come with a range of health
issues that can take a toll on an individual's finances. The implication is that the individual is
more likely to depend on others, making them vulnerable to abuse. Trends in poverty have
changed since the beginning of the twenty-first century. The poverty rates among people aged
sixty-five and above fell from 30% in 1967 to 9.7% in 2008, which was way below the national
average of 13.2% (Mather, 2015). The social patterns contributing to this reduction in the
poverty rate include many women joining the workforce. Therefore the married couples earned a
double income, having more to save for retirement. Besides, the private sector started offering
better retirement programs, and therefore beneficiaries earned more income.
Poverty and aging can also be described from the aging theory perspective, which posits
that older people should remain active in society since there are many benefits associated with

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1 Sociology Question Student’s Name Full Course Title Professor’s Name Assignment Due Date 2 Sociology Question Poverty and Aging Sociology provides a powerful tool for thinking about poverty and aging. Sociological thinking enables individuals to comprehend social issues and problems better since it enables them to consider personal troubles as part of society's economic and political institutions. Additionally, sociological thinking can help individuals disentangle poverty from a range of related concepts that may be subject to misinterpretation. Sociological Causes and Explanations Linked to Poverty and Aging There is a positive relationship between aging and poverty. According to the disengagement theory, older people experience a decline in physical and mental energy. Therefore, they ought to take up roles that require less effort while leaving their previous roles to the younger people in society. This is perspective can be better explained through aging and retirement. Although many people remain self-sufficient, aging can come with a range of health issues that can take a toll on an individual's finances. The implication is that the individual is more likely to depend on others, making them vulnerable to abuse. Trends in poverty have changed since the beginning of the twenty-first century. The poverty rates among people aged sixty-five and above fell from 30% in 1967 to 9.7% in 2008, which was way below the national average of 13.2% (Mather, 2015). The social ...
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