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Prelab 06 01

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Jay Bunnag
1.Explain what is meant when a gene is referred to as “dominant” or “recessive.”
The relationship between two versions of a gene is referred to as dominant. Individuals obtain
from each parent two copies of each gene, known as alleles. One allele will be expressed if the
alleles of a gene are different; it is the dominant gene. The other allele's influence, called
recessive, is masked. Recessive is a quality contained in the association between a gene's two
versions. Individuals obtain from each parent one variant of a gene, called an allele. If the
alleles are different, the dominant allele will be expressed, while the recessive allele's influence
will be muted. A person must inherit two copies of the mutated allele in the event of a recessive
genetic disorder. In the case of a recessive genetic disorder, an individual must inherit two
copies of the mutated allele for the disease to be present.
2.Define genotype.
A genotype is a set of genes that are responsible for a given organism's genetic traits. Genes,
not characteristics, are the raw information in an organism's DNA, which is referred to as
genotype. The makeup of alleles, the pairs of trait-responsible genes. Two dominant genes, a
dominant and recessive gene, or two recessive genes may make up an allele. The combination
of the two, and which one is dominant, determines what trait the allele will express.
3.Define phenotype.
The evident or detectable expression of the effects of genes, together with the environmental
effect on an organism's appearance or actions, is referred to as phenotype. The phenotype
encompasses everything from the shape of a bird's wing to the song of a humpback whale:
measurable features of that species that are determined, at least in part, by its genes.

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Jay Bunnag EX06-01 1.Explain what is meant when a gene is referred to as “dominant” or “recessive.” The relationship between two versions of a gene is referred to as dominant. Individuals obtain from each parent two copies of each gene, known as alleles. One allele will be expressed if the ...
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