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Prelab 07 01

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Jay Bunnag
Prelab 07-01
1.Hardy-Weinberg law predicts a population equilibrium. What is this law?
2.In your own words explain what hemoglobin is and its function.
3.A mutation in the hemoglobin gene can cause a single nucleotide substitution, causing
hemoglobin to come out of solution and resulting in a sickle-shaped red blood cell.
Red blood cells with this malfunctioning hemoglobin (hemoglobin S) tend to sickle
during exercise. Why is it a problem?
4.Individuals heterozygous for the hemoglobin S allele normally don’t produce enough
sickle cells to be a prob-lem. When is having one sickle cell allele actually an advantage?
5.Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium only applies if conditions remain stable. Predict some
conditions that might cause a change in gene frequency.
6.What events will happen in Activity 2 of this lab that you expect might affect
gene frequency? Predict the effect of these events.

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Jay Bunnag Prelab 07-01 1.Hardy-Weinberg law predicts a population equilibrium. What is this law? 2.In your own words explain what hemoglobin is and its function. 3.A mutation in the hemoglobin gene can cause a single nucleotide substitution, causing hemoglobin to come out of solution and resultin ...
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