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Module 2 productivity software

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CSCI 109
Module 2- Application: Productivity Software
Productivity Software
Samuel Hunter
The program I chose is OneNote. OneNote is a Microsoft software for easy and efficient
note-taking. Allowing the software to valuable in any school or work environment that requires a
mass amount of data in a short amount of time. That is one of the reasons I chose it, because of
my job I can collect and organize maintenance data in a way to make it easy for me to
troubleshoot quickly problems quickly.
OneNote is basically a simplified Microsoft word and OneDrive combine into one.
However, OneNote seems to not have the publishing characterizes that Microsoft Word has. This
is understandable if you look at OneNote as a loose-leaf binder that organizes thoughts and data
allowing it to have only a search index. While Microsoft Word is a document processing
software equipped with many index features including a publishing index much like a blank
novel ready to be written.
Since OneNote is a hybrid of the OneDrive and Microsoft Word it makes it a data genie. I
take loads of notes and data anywhere with the click of button or tab of a screen. All I need to
obtain my information I record is internet access. Plus, I can share my notes with others with no
hassle at all making it easy to work on group projects. A pretty cool feature I found on OneNote
was the handwritten part of the program. I can write out my notes and with a click, it transforms
into text. This saves poor souls from having to decipher my handwriting.
In short, I am planning on using OneNote in the future for school and work. I am already
using OneNote for work by list different TOs for certain operations. I cannot wait to show this to
my co-workers tomorrow!

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CSCI 109 Module 2- Application: Productivity Software Productivity Software Samuel Hunter The program I chose is OneNote. OneNote is a Microsoft software for easy and efficient note-taking. Allowing the software to valuable in any school or work environment that requires a mass amount of data in a short amount of time. That is one of the reasons I chose it, because of my job I can collect and organize maintenance data in a way to make it easy for me to troubleshoot quickly problems quickly. OneNote is basically a simplified Microsoft word and OneDrive combine into one. However, OneNote seems ...
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