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Module 8: Case Study e Waste
Module 8: Case Study eWaste
Samuel Hunter
Embry-Riddle Aeronautic University

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Module 8: Case Study e Waste
The definition of E-waste is any electrical or electronic that has the possibility of entering
the waste stream. This means that e-waste can be anything from televisions to cell phones to
even a refrigerator. The reason why e-waste is a problem is that these products end up in the
waste stream and cause harmful effects to the surrounding environment.
Every year the amount of e-waste produced increases by the tons. Most of this waste will
end up in landfills or be destroyed. However, this waste is still harming the environment. The
metals and compounds used to create the electronics poison the groundwater and releasing toxic
gases into the atmosphere. Some of these metals and compounds found are mercury, lead,
arsenic, phosphorus, etc. Because of the dangers that e-waste presents to the world multiple
countries has established regulations to attempt to control the distribution of e-waste.
Unfortunately, there is still illegal shipping of e-waste to 3rd world countries where it is either
sent to a landfill or is incinerated.
The way we solve this e-waste problem is by recycling and refurbishing the electronics.
This means disassembling and reusing parts in the electronics and using the metal to turn into
other products. The downside to this method is it tends to be expensive and complicated. You

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Module 8: Case Study e Waste Module 8: Case Study eWaste Samuel Hunter Embry-Riddle Aeronautic University Module 8: Case Study e Waste The definition of E-waste is any electrical or electronic that has the possibility of entering the waste stream. This means that e-waste can be anything from televisions to cell phones to even a refrigerator. The reason why e-waste is a problem is that these products end up in the waste stream and cause harmful effects to the surrounding environment. Every year the amount of e-waste produced increases by the tons. Most of this waste will end up in landfills or be destroyed. However, this waste is still harming the environment. The metals and compounds used to create the electronics poison the groundwater and releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere. Some of these metals and compounds found are mercury, lead, arsenic, phosphorus, etc. Because of the dangers that e-waste presents to the world multiple countries has established regulations to attempt to control the distribution of e-waste. Unfortunately, there is still illegal shipping of e-waste to 3rd world countries where it is either sent to a landfill or is incinerated. The way we ...
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